Search found 49 matches

by ritz
Thu Jun 02, 2005 10:05
Forum: CEGUI Library Development Discussion
Topic: Image Drawing
Replies: 0
Views: 4181

Image Drawing

Hi All, I have one basic query regarding image drawing. I am using defineImage function of image set class to define image and draw function of Image class for drawing the image. 1) If i give size same as image size it draws the proper image. 2) If i give size smaller the actaul image size, imgae cu...
by ritz
Thu Jun 02, 2005 09:53
Forum: CEGUI Library Development Discussion
Topic: Customized Image Control
Replies: 2
Views: 4358

Re: Customized Image Control

Hi, We need to create HTML Viewer Widget supporting drawing of IMG tag. Img tag also supports border attribute. Border thickness can be set using this attrib. We are able to draw image and one pixel border around it. where as i could not understood how to draw border with different sizes. Thanks, Ritz
by ritz
Fri May 13, 2005 12:33
Forum: Modifications / Integrations / Customisations
Topic: Font size at run time
Replies: 1
Views: 2462

Font size at run time

Hello All, I am facing the following issue in using the fonts. I have loaded default font "arial" in my widget. by default size is 12. I want to change it's size to 10 at run time. I am not able to find any method for this. The only way i could get is use createFont method again to create ...
by ritz
Wed May 04, 2005 09:55
Forum: Modifications / Integrations / Customisations
Topic: Global Event Set
Replies: 1
Views: 1991

Global Event Set

Hello All, I am trying to implement Timer class in my widget. Every time timer gets fired I want to send an event to my window. I have tried using GlobalEventSet for that. Here is the code #include "CEGUITimer.h" #include "CEGUIBase.h" #include "CEGUIGlobalEventSet.h" n...
by ritz
Wed May 04, 2005 06:41
Forum: Modifications / Integrations / Customisations
Topic: Adding background color to text
Replies: 0
Views: 3064

Adding background color to text

Hello All,

I am writing text on a window. I want to give background color to a small portion of the complete text.
How do i go about it?

by ritz
Wed May 04, 2005 05:43
Forum: CEGUI Library Development Discussion
Topic: Needed Timer functionality
Replies: 3
Views: 5024

Re: Needed Timer functionality

Hi, I tried using this method bu calling injectTimePulse fucntion of System class, but could not get the desired effects. Please validate my understanding regarding the usage. If i will call injectTimePulse(10) function updateself method will be called by the system class internally after 10 ticks(s...
by ritz
Mon May 02, 2005 09:03
Forum: CEGUI Library Development Discussion
Topic: Needed Timer functionality
Replies: 3
Views: 5024

Needed Timer functionality

Hello All, I need to implement timer functionality for following scenario I am working on a HTML Viewer widget. For implementing this widget, It is required to take images as inputs from Container application. I can send a request to the container application for sending an image-using Message. The ...
by ritz
Tue Feb 22, 2005 12:23
Forum: CEGUI Library Development Discussion
Topic: Usage of List box
Replies: 4
Views: 5838

Re: Usage of List box

Hi I am facing one more issue in implementing the feature discussed above. can nay body please help me out in resolving the issue. Here is the snap shot. In this case the list box does not draw beyond the application main window. In order to show the list completely. I need to know that it will not ...
by ritz
Wed Feb 16, 2005 11:12
Forum: CEGUI Library Development Discussion
Topic: Usage of List box
Replies: 4
Views: 5838

Re: Usage of List box

Thanks a Lot.
Ritz :D
by ritz
Wed Feb 16, 2005 07:07
Forum: CEGUI Library Development Discussion
Topic: Usage of List box
Replies: 4
Views: 5838

Usage of List box

Hello CE, I am creating calendar widget using your library. UI of my widget is similar to Microsoft Outlook Express Calendar GUI. I need to show a list box on click of button above the month display area. My problem is as per GUI list drawing area goes outside of the parent window list is no...
by ritz
Tue Feb 01, 2005 10:48
Forum: Modifications / Integrations / Customisations
Topic: Problem in Running Demo - 7 win32 Executable
Replies: 5
Views: 4663

Re: Problem in Running Demo - 7 win32 Executable

Their is some issue with my machine only.
The same demo is working fine on other PC

by ritz
Tue Feb 01, 2005 10:33
Forum: Modifications / Integrations / Customisations
Topic: Problem in Running Demo - 7 win32 Executable
Replies: 5
Views: 4663

Re: Problem in Running Demo - 7 win32 Executable

Yes it worked for Open GL.
Their is some issue with directX stuff.

by ritz
Tue Feb 01, 2005 09:51
Forum: Offtopic Discussion
Topic: Consolidated information about Changes in CEGUI-mk2 0.1.1
Replies: 3
Views: 3489

Re: Consolidated information about Changes in CEGUI-mk2 0.1.

Hello CE,

My reference for diretory structure was related to structure of datafiles and media folders in the Demo's.
It has been changed from older demo's.

similar to this what all changes are their.

by ritz
Tue Feb 01, 2005 09:49
Forum: Modifications / Integrations / Customisations
Topic: Problem in Running Demo - 7 win32 Executable
Replies: 5
Views: 4663

Re: Problem in Running Demo - 7 win32 Executable

Hello CE,

Thanks for reply.

I am not able to reach till "Configuration dialog".

Their should be no problem related to direct X as old demo's are working fine on my machine.

More over widget created by me is also working fine.

by ritz
Tue Feb 01, 2005 08:10
Forum: Offtopic Discussion
Topic: Consolidated information about Changes in CEGUI-mk2 0.1.1
Replies: 3
Views: 3489

Consolidated information about Changes in CEGUI-mk2 0.1.1

Hello CE, Is their amy document which can give me consolidated information about changes done in 0.1.1. What i could get is complete directory structure is changed. As i have already developed a Widget based upon the previous structure, what all changes i need to do to keep my app compatible with bo...

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