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by qingye5x
Tue Nov 17, 2009 03:16
Forum: Modifications / Integrations / Customisations
Topic: What is preD3DReset() and postD3DReset() to do?
Replies: 1
Views: 2986

Re: What is preD3DReset() and postD3DReset() to do?

// handle D3D lost device stuff coop = pimpl->d_3DDevice->TestCooperativeLevel(); if (coop == D3DERR_DEVICELOST) { Sleep(500); continue; } else if (coop == D3DERR_DEVICENOTRESET) { if (!resetDirect3D()) { continue; } } I found it , in CEGuiD3D9BaseApplication.cpp, as i guess when the device is lost ...
by qingye5x
Tue Nov 17, 2009 03:04
Forum: Modifications / Integrations / Customisations
Topic: What is preD3DReset() and postD3DReset() to do?
Replies: 1
Views: 2986

What is preD3DReset() and postD3DReset() to do?

In the new Render Moduel, i notify there are tow functions is class : Direct3D9Render , Direct3D9Texture and Direct3D9TextureTarget In preD3DReset() the class do some d3d release operation , and is postD3DReset() the class do some initialize and allocate operation. Such as void Direct3D9Renderer::pr...

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