Search found 19 matches

by malachy1681
Sat Aug 16, 2008 06:36
Forum: Help
Topic: Is it possible to use Unbuffered input with CEGUI?
Replies: 5
Views: 3920

It is possible to detect a mouse key up event in unbuffered mode, but it would take more code than simply using buffered. Unless you have some real need to catch GUI input in unbuffered mode, there shouldn't be a reason to go to the trouble of implementing it.
by malachy1681
Fri Aug 15, 2008 18:22
Forum: Help
Topic: Is it possible to use Unbuffered input with CEGUI?
Replies: 5
Views: 3920

I don't see in your code where you are injecting a mouse button up event. Since a clicked event is not fired until a mouse down/up combo is received, the clicked event handler will never get called.
by malachy1681
Wed Aug 13, 2008 08:28
Forum: Bug Reports, Suggestions, Feature Requests
Topic: [BUG] ItemListbox : Improper Vertical Spacing
Replies: 2
Views: 3051

Ah, so the linespacing is a float value then? Perhaps there should be some code to compensate for any possible rounding, but is seems that if the linespacing is fixed, then all the translated coordinates should round the same. If the linespacing is variable, then perhaps the maximum space between li...
by malachy1681
Tue Aug 12, 2008 22:36
Forum: Bug Reports, Suggestions, Feature Requests
Topic: [BUG] ItemListbox : Improper Vertical Spacing
Replies: 2
Views: 3051

[BUG] ItemListbox : Improper Vertical Spacing

I'm using the CEGUI build from SVN, and I've noticed that when using '<FontDim type="LineSpacing" />' for the height value of the 'ContentSize' of an 'ItemEntry', the vertical spacing between items in the 'ItemListbox' is not always the same. This causes gaps at irregular intervals, so tha...
by malachy1681
Mon Aug 11, 2008 09:44
Forum: Bug Reports, Suggestions, Feature Requests
Topic: [BUG] MultiLineEditbox : Strange Cursor Behavior
Replies: 1
Views: 2465

[BUG] MultiLineEditbox : Strange Cursor Behavior

I'm using the CEGUI build from SVN, and I noticed some strange behavior with the MultiLineEditbox. If the down arrow is pressed on a line that is longer than the line below it, the cursor will skip over that shorter line to the one below it (i.e. will skip from line 1 to 3). Also, if you press the u...
by malachy1681
Mon Aug 04, 2008 11:48
Forum: Help
Topic: [Solved] Mouse Auto-Repeat Question
Replies: 2
Views: 1996

Okay, it's fine if it's only on a per-widget basis. I just needed to know so that I would know how to proceed with my project. Thanks for the reply!
by malachy1681
Sun Aug 03, 2008 18:28
Forum: Help
Topic: [Solved] Mouse Auto-Repeat Question
Replies: 2
Views: 1996

[Solved] Mouse Auto-Repeat Question

I see there are methods in the CEGUI::Window class for setting the mouse auto-repeat delay and rate; however, I was wondering if there was a way to modify them globally or is there only a per-widget support available?
by malachy1681
Sat Jul 19, 2008 22:49
Forum: Help
Topic: CEGUI 'registerAllFactories' issue with OGRE CEGUI Renderer
Replies: 0
Views: 3777

CEGUI 'registerAllFactories' issue with OGRE CEGUI Renderer

Okay, after awhile away from CEGUI I've started working on my project again, and got the latest stable source code. I compiled everything fine, but when I try to run the sample OGRE application that uses CEGUI, it crashes, and the following is in the CEGUI log file. 19/07/2008 17:31:18 (Std)...
by malachy1681
Sun Dec 18, 2005 04:44
Forum: Modifications / Integrations / Customisations
Topic: Samples Crash when Using DirectX9GUIRenderer
Replies: 1
Views: 1733

Samples Crash when Using DirectX9GUIRenderer

I've successfully compiled Sample_FirstWindow and Sample_FalagardDemo1 in Visual C++ 2005 Express. They run just fine using the OpenGLGUIRenderer, but both crash on startup when I try to use the DirectX9GUIRenderer. The logfile for Sample_FirstWindow shows this: 17/12/2005 23:41:52 (InfL1) +...
by malachy1681
Sat Sep 10, 2005 12:53
Forum: Modifications / Integrations / Customisations
Topic: Scrollable Pane Child Windows not Offsetting
Replies: 7
Views: 4334

Re: Scrollable Pane Child Windows not Offsetting

Okay, got it all worked out now. Thanks a million! :D
by malachy1681
Sat Sep 10, 2005 01:19
Forum: Modifications / Integrations / Customisations
Topic: Scrollable Pane Child Windows not Offsetting
Replies: 7
Views: 4334

Re: Scrollable Pane Child Windows not Offsetting

Well, now the problem I'm having is that 'getContentPane' returns a const pointer which doesn't allow me to set its size.
by malachy1681
Fri Sep 09, 2005 12:18
Forum: Modifications / Integrations / Customisations
Topic: Scrollable Pane Child Windows not Offsetting
Replies: 7
Views: 4334

Scrollable Pane Child Windows not Offsetting

Okay, I have a frame window with a scrollable pane as a child. Then I have a tab control as a child of the scrollable pane, but when I set an offset (either absolute or relative) the tab control always lines up at 0, 0 relative to the scrollable pane. I'm using the source download of 0.4.0 and the F...
by malachy1681
Sun Sep 04, 2005 13:41
Forum: Modifications / Integrations / Customisations
Topic: Okay, now I'm totally confused.
Replies: 4
Views: 2647

Re: Okay, now Im totally confused.

Actually, I'm using my own custom look that I made originally in 2.1 and there were not bugs what-so-ever. All I did was make some minor modifications to work with 4.0 ( namely, I changed 'layoutComponentWidgets' to 'performChildWindowLayout' and 'renderListboxBaseImagery' to 'cacheListboxBaseImager...
by malachy1681
Sun Sep 04, 2005 13:23
Forum: Modifications / Integrations / Customisations
Topic: Tooltips that wont disappear!?
Replies: 3
Views: 2353

Re: Tooltips that wont disappear!?

Okay, will I'm using OGRE, which I thought did support alpha blending. I did get around it by not defining a global tooltip and just created a tooltip object and then associated it with the widget I wanted, but is there a way to get it to follow the mouse and then disappear when the cursor leaves th...
by malachy1681
Sun Sep 04, 2005 13:14
Forum: Modifications / Integrations / Customisations
Topic: scheme and imagesets
Replies: 2
Views: 2093

Re: scheme and imagesets

Okay, lets say you want to find the imageset ID's for the AlternateProgessBar in TaharezLook; just open the .cpp source file for that widget, which in this case is TLAlternateProgessBar.cpp. Then just scroll down to the 'Constants' section. You should see the following: /****************************...

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