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by Jamarr
Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:43
Forum: Help
Topic: really weird errors found in CEGUI.log...
Replies: 2
Views: 2672

Re: really weird errors found in CEGUI.log...

Ok, now for some reason i get these errors from the CEGUI log: 06/08/2011 02:51:23 (Error) Attempt to set value of '95' to read only property 'HorzExtent' on window: Health 06/08/2011 02:51:23 (Error) Attempt to set value of '19.8618' to read only property 'VertExtent' on window: Health 06/08/2011 ...
by Jamarr
Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:11
Forum: CEGUI Library Development Discussion
Topic: YAML
Replies: 7
Views: 13922


Hey, i am interested in option to load YAML files, not only XML. How hard would it be to integrate such functionality? I do not think this would be hard per se, however extending CEGUI to support a different markup-language may require some refact...
by Jamarr
Thu Aug 04, 2011 16:19
Forum: Help
Topic: Using variables in .layout files
Replies: 4
Views: 2563

Re: Using variables in .layout files

Create your windows using C++ instead of the layout file. This is what I do. If you don't need the flexibility to change your windows without recompiling your program, this will obviously allow you to use variables and to create for loops to create windows and such. In my project we actually create...
by Jamarr
Thu Aug 04, 2011 00:16
Forum: Help
Topic: Using variables in .layout files
Replies: 4
Views: 2563

Re: Using variables in .layout files

No to both. At least not to my knowledge. You may want to take a look at Layout Containers (note that these can be used .layout files as well, ex here ) which were added in v0.7.2. These may not fit your needs perfectly but should get you pretty close. Also note that these containers have planned up...
by Jamarr
Mon Aug 01, 2011 20:36
Forum: Help
Topic: [Solved] Much faster static text widget
Replies: 5
Views: 4038

Re: How do i create a lighter static text widget?

I believe this post covers everything: viewtopic.php?p=22795#p22795
by Jamarr
Thu Jul 28, 2011 17:10
Forum: Help
Topic: the conflict of window name
Replies: 4
Views: 2624

Re: the conflict of window name

why not implement a contructor for wstring? becuase it is encouraged to work in unicode environment, So ,it will be very easy to write like CEGUI::String Test("test") under unicode project rather than CEGUI::String Test(UnicodeToMulByte("test")). Because this unnecessarily coupl...
by Jamarr
Wed Jul 27, 2011 15:16
Forum: Help
Topic: Constraining Editbox Height
Replies: 2
Views: 2210

Re: Constraining Editbox Height

You can set the Height of an Editbox via the LooknFeel definition. Please refer to the CEGUI API docs for: <Area> , <FontDim> , and FontMetricType . Please make sure you search the wiki, forums, API docs, and source-code prior to asking a question. You can find the answer to most questions using the...
by Jamarr
Tue Jul 26, 2011 16:43
Forum: Bug Reports, Suggestions, Feature Requests
Topic: [BUG] Window names missing slash (/) after prefix
Replies: 1
Views: 3209

Re: [BUG] Window names missing slash (/) after prefix

You did not really specify which aspect you thought was buggy - the prefix code not automatically appending a "/", or the client code supplying "Demo/" instead of "Demo" as a prefix? In a way these results actually help to clarify CEGUI's current approach to window-nami...
by Jamarr
Tue Jul 26, 2011 16:23
Forum: Bug Reports, Suggestions, Feature Requests
Topic: [BUG] MultiLineEditBox Vertical Scrollbar Obscures Text
Replies: 1
Views: 3409

Re: [BUG] MultiLineEditBox Vertical Scrollbar Obscures Text

This sounds similar to an issue CEGUI had a few years ago. Although I specifically recall CE having fixed this in v0.6 and v0.7. A very similar issue was recently brought up for the StaticText widget as well. It seems like this bug may have been reintroduced at some point... Thanks for the report.
by Jamarr
Tue Jul 26, 2011 16:06
Forum: CEGUI Library Development Discussion
Topic: Questions about removing statically managed window names
Replies: 2
Views: 10031

Re: Questions about removing statically managed window names

In 0.7, all windows have absolute (and terribly long) names. Root/Inventory/Panel/DropGoldButton or such. You can never have 2 windows with the same name. This makes cloning and loading layout repeatedly very annoying. In 0.8, all windows have short relative names. I always hated the window naming ...
by Jamarr
Mon Jul 25, 2011 18:44
Forum: Help
Topic: make invisible a part of parent widget
Replies: 6
Views: 4301

Re: make invisible a part of parent widget

I think you would have to make the entire frame-window transparent and then add opaque child-widgets (panels) where you do not want the transparency. You will probably also have to tweak the frame-window definition in the looknfeel (probably want to derive a new frame-window type for this) and make ...
by Jamarr
Mon Jul 25, 2011 18:37
Forum: Modifications / Integrations / Customisations
Topic: Crash when unregistering and reloading imagesets
Replies: 10
Views: 7235

Re: Crash when unregistering and reloading imagesets

Alternatively, is there some easy way to update the contents of a texture with an specified png?.. lets say CEGUI::Texture::loadFromFile ("image.png")? or should I open the .png, and manipulate at the pixel level? This depends on the underlying Renderer you are using. Some of them have a ...
by Jamarr
Mon Jul 25, 2011 18:11
Forum: Modifications / Integrations / Customisations
Topic: Clip a stretched image.
Replies: 5
Views: 5101

Re: Clip a stretched image.

I think I understand, although some pictures would certainly clarify the matter. I do not think the xml scheme supports any explicit widget clipping elements or attributes. However, I am pretty sure that you can fake this with a custom widget such that it is composed of two widgets 1) a parent conta...

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