My own package/library

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My own package/library

Postby RickP » Sun Mar 14, 2010 14:39

Since CEGUI is open source and free I was wondering if it's ok for me to make my own package/library from it? I want to bring CEGUI to the Leadwerks Engine but the community at Leadwerks Engine don't use it because it's pretty complicated to setup and use. There are so many different options and dlls. So, I was thinking I would try to make it easier. Probably try and get it into 1 dll and lib (there will be bloat for sure but it will also make it easier to setup and use). I think this would help the Leadwerks community because they are in need of a GUI system, but it has to be less complicated.

I guess my question is if it's OK for me to try this?

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Re: My own package/library

Postby CrazyEddie » Sun Mar 14, 2010 17:11

Yeah, this is fine, so long as you adhere to the license terms of the MIT license for CEGUI and that of whichever other libs get used (See:

You should be able to fairly easily produce a single DLL or whatever with all the CEGUI stuff, perhaps by statically linking the various CEGUI parts (though beware c/c++ runtime config conflicts).


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Re: My own package/library

Postby RickP » Sun Mar 14, 2010 22:52

I'll see what I can come up with. Thanks.

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