First-chance exception at 0x771fb727 (KernelBase.dll) in Charm.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: Ogre::InternalErrorException at memory location 0x0036b4e4..
First-chance exception at 0x771fb727 (KernelBase.dll) in Charm.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: Ogre::InternalErrorException at memory location 0x0036b4e4..
First-chance exception at 0x771fb727 (KernelBase.dll) in Charm.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: Ogre::InternalErrorException at memory location 0x0036b4e4..
It brings up CEGUIOgreRenderer.cpp and crashes at the second to last line of
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void OgreRenderer::beginRendering()
using namespace Ogre;
// initialise render settings
d_renderSystem->_setDepthBufferParams(false, false);
d_renderSystem->_setDepthBias(0, 0);
The last three lines of the .log are
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08/07/2010 11:09:38 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/ListboxItem' using base type 'CEGUI/ItemEntry', window renderer 'Falagard/ItemEntry' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/ListboxItem'. (0036CFA8)
08/07/2010 11:09:38 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/GroupBox' using base type 'CEGUI/GroupBox', window renderer 'Falagard/Default' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/GroupBox'. (0036CFA8)
08/07/2010 11:09:38 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/Tree' using base type 'CEGUI/Tree', window renderer 'Falagard/Tree' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/Tree'. (0036CFA8)
Where do I go from here?