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Can CEGUI create a popup menu ?

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 07:19
by maitvn
I want create a popup menu like when i click right mouse in Windows .
But i know CELayoutEditor can't do it . CELayoutEditor can only make a menu bar !

help me !


Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 07:57
by scriptkid
Hi there,

indeed, the editor does not allow direct creation of popup menus. I can't remember why that was decided. Maybe a popup menu requires a parent bar. It's been a while since i used menus. Maybe this page can help you:

It demonstrates how to pick a popup menu form a menu and do stuff with it. You can try to create a menu (including bar) from the editor, and update your layout to only keep the popup menu and edit its dimensions.

Good luck!