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[SOLVED] No mouse reaction if more layouts attached to root

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 20:14
by brzi
Hi everybody,
I've just started working on a project with heavy use of CEGUI (a real-time strategy game). First of all, I'd like to thanks for this great library. It's really very helpful. And now to my problem:
I have a root window created from code and tons of layouts created in editor. When I want to show a layout, I just attach it to the root window and detach it to hide it. This works fine, the layout shows up when attached and disappears when detached from the root window. But when I attach more layouts, only the last attached layout reacts on mouse (hover, click and everything) and the others don't. The others are visible, but totally inactive. PLEASE, HELP !!! It seams like a bug in CEGUI to me, but I hope that I just do something wrong. I have searched the forum for "events more layouts", but didn't find anything. HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP !!!!!!! :|

Re: No on mouse reaction if more layouts attached to root window

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 21:32
by ianstangoe
Not a bug, I'll bet all your layouts have a fullscreen parent window :wink:

This effectively blocks all mouse input to windows 'underneath'. You should resize your parent windows to tighly fit around your widgets and maybe redesign your layouts if required, or you could enable mousePassThrough on certain windows to allow interaction to widgets behind...


Re: No on mouse reaction if more layouts attached to root window

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 22:01
by brzi
Great, it works!!! Calling setMousePassThroughEnabled(true) on the layout's root window has solved it (of course it's fullscreen:-). Thank you very much for your response!!!