Seeing images in layout editor without code changes

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Seeing images in layout editor without code changes

Postby Rakkar » Wed Mar 14, 2007 04:04

I want to add static images to the layout editor. So I created about 30 512x512 TGA images. After looking around, it seems like I need to make a .imageset file for each file.

I did so as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<Imageset Name="AdvancedSensors" Imagefile="AdvancedSensors.tga" NativeHorzRes="512" NativeVertRes="512" AutoScaled="true">
<Image Name="AdvancedSensors" XPos="0" YPos="0" Width="512" Height="512" />

That is in CEGUI\imagesets

The tga file is in the same directory as well.

I then set in the layout editor "set:AdvancedSensors image:AdvancedSensors" which exports to

<Property Name="Image" Value="set:AdvancedSensors image:AdvancedSensors" />

However, nothing shows up. If I use <Property Name="Image" Value="set:TaharezLook image:MouseMoveCursor" /> instead it works fine.

So apparently there is some other setting I missed. What do I need to do to get my 30 new images to be usable in the Layout editor?

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Postby scriptkid » Wed Mar 14, 2007 08:29


the editor only pre-loads schemes and fonts. What you can do is add all imagesets to the scheme that you are using, for example Taharezlook. Add lines like this:

Code: Select all

<Imageset Name="AdvancedSensors" Filename="AdvancedSensors.imageset" />

Then the editor should load them and let you use them.

Good luck! :)

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