Im using CEGUI for my university project and cant seem to get a piece of release code to work compared to debug... very strange :/
The piece of code is:
Code: Select all
CEGUI::Window * root_window = CEGUI::WindowManager::getSingleton().getWindow("Root");
CEGUI::System::getSingleton().setGUISheet( root_window );
std::cout << root_window << "==" << CEGUI::System::getSingleton().getGUISheet() << std::endl;
When run in debug I get "01A53CC0==01A53CC0" as output. In release I get "01A29EB8==00000000". D:
It's in a try/catch and that doesn't get anything and there are no errors in the log.
Anyone have any ideas what's happening here?
Im using CEGUI-SDK-0.6.2-vc9
Thanks alot!
(Very well coded library by the way! (^-^)b)