Constraining Editbox Height

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Constraining Editbox Height

Postby xdinos » Wed Jul 27, 2011 11:10


is there any way to constrain the editbox height from look'n'feel having as value the Linespacing property of the font?

I'm using the latest code from repository

thank you.

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Re: Constraining Editbox Height

Postby Jamarr » Wed Jul 27, 2011 15:16

You can set the Height of an Editbox via the LooknFeel definition. Please refer to the CEGUI API docs for: <Area>, <FontDim>, and FontMetricType.

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Re: Constraining Editbox Height

Postby xdinos » Wed Jul 27, 2011 22:38

thank you for your replay

i know i can set the "Visual" Height of any widget
but what i'm asking is if it possible to set/constrain the actual height (the mouse hot area) from look'n'feel
something like <Property name="MaxSize" value="{{1,0},{0,29}}"/> but i don't want 29 to be fixed but rather dynamic from the font lineSpacing

thank you

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