Create a scheme from a .scheme file

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Create a scheme from a .scheme file

Postby Neckara » Sun May 12, 2013 07:54


I'm french so my English isn't really good, so excuse me if I make some mistakes.

I try to use CEGUI with Irrlicht but the example I found are a little old...
I make this following code :

Code: Select all

                    CEGUI::IrrlichtRenderer & myRenderer = CEGUI::IrrlichtRenderer::bootstrapSystem(*device);
                    // new CEGUI::System(myRenderer);
                }catch(CEGUI::Exception &e){
                    std::cerr << e.getMessage() << std::endl;
                    std::cerr << "unknown exception" << std::endl;

            }catch(CEGUI::Exception &e){
                std::cout << e.getMessage() << std::endl;

            //CEGUI::System::getSingleton().setDefaultMouseCursor("TaharezLook", "MouseArrow");

            CEGUI::WindowManager& winMgr = CEGUI::WindowManager::getSingleton ();

            CEGUI::Window * test = winMgr.loadWindowLayout ("/home/neckara/Bureau/unnamed1.layout", "root/");

            //background->addChildWindow (winMgr.loadWindowLayout ("/home/neckara/Bureau/unnamed1.layout", "root/"));

        /*    CEGUI::WindowManager::getSingleton().getWindow("root/b_quit")->
                subscribeEvent(CEGUI::PushButton::EventClicked, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&gui_system::close, this));*/

            CEGUI::System::getSingleton ().setGUISheet( test/*background*/ );

But when I try to create a scheme from a .scheme file, the programm quit and I have this error message :
CEGUI::InvalidRequestException in file CEGUIIrrlichtResourceProvider.cpp(67) : IrrlichtResourceProvider::loadRawDataContainer: Filename supplied for loading must be valid [Vanilla.imageset]
IrrlichtResourceProvider::loadRawDataContainer: Filename supplied for loading must be valid [Vanilla.imageset]
CEGUI::UnknownObjectException in file CEGUIWindowFactoryManager.cpp(180) : WindowFactoryManager::getFactory - A WindowFactory object, an alias, or mapping for 'Vanilla/Button' Window objects is not registered with the system.
CEGUI::InvalidRequestException in file CEGUIGUILayout_xmlHandler.cpp(233) : GUILayout_xmlHandler::startElement - layout loading has been aborted since no WindowFactory is available for 'Vanilla/Button' objects.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'CEGUI::InvalidRequestException'
what(): CEGUI::InvalidRequestException in file CEGUIGUILayout_xmlHandler.cpp(233) : GUILayout_xmlHandler::startElement - layout loading has been aborted since no WindowFactory is available for 'Vanilla/Button' objects.

But the .scheme file I use is a CELayoutEditor-0.7.1's file ( as I'm here, there is 2 files missing in your CELayoutEditor-0.7.1's archive : DejaVuSans-10.font and DejaVuSans.ttf, CELayoutEditor can't work without this two ) and CELayoutEditor-0.7.1 work well.
So I'm think I must add the datafiles directory to a "search path" for CEGUI but I didn't find a such function/method.

Thank for reading me ;)

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Re: Create a scheme from a .scheme file

Postby CrazyEddie » Mon May 13, 2013 08:14

CEGUI uses a resource provider system to load its resources. Please read the tutorial: ... orial.html

Also, we recommend CEED over CELayoutEditor these days (unless someone is using some unsupported CEGUI version - like 0.5.x or 0.6.x).


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Re: Create a scheme from a .scheme file

Postby Neckara » Mon May 13, 2013 20:46

Thanks a lot, it works^^

I try Ceed, but the "Synchronising embedded CEGUI with the projet" seems be very long...
I'll see tomarrow if it will be finished.

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