I wanted to upgrade my app to the latest CEGUI release, but I'm having a few problems. I got all of the CEGUI components compiled without any problems, but I'm getting errors when compiling some of the OGRE projects, such as the OgreGUIRenderer and other Demos that rely on the CEGUI Library. I don't really care about the demos, but I need OgreGUIRenderer.
I've compiled everything in release mode. I deleted the ogrenew/dependencies/include/CEGUI contents and replaced it with the headers from the mk2 folder, as well as the CEGUIBase.lib.
Here is the log for compiling OgreGUIRenderer in VC8:
Code: Select all
6>------ Build started: Project: OgreGUIRenderer, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
6>..\src\OgreCEGUIRenderer.cpp(360) : error C2259: 'CEGUI::OgreCEGUITexture' : cannot instantiate abstract class
6> due to following members:
6> 'void CEGUI::Texture::loadFromMemory(const void *,CEGUI::uint,CEGUI::uint,CEGUI::Texture::PixelFormat)' : is abstract
6> e:\ogrenew\Dependencies\include\CEGUI/CEGUITexture.h(169) : see declaration of 'CEGUI::Texture::loadFromMemory'
6>Generating Code...
6>Build log was saved at "file://e:\ogrenew\Samples\Common\CEGUIRenderer\bin\Release\BuildLog.htm"
6>OgreGUIRenderer - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
Getting CEGUI working with OGRE Source v1.2.3 should also be applicable to my situation.
Also, what .dll's would be required to run one of the OGRE demo's that use CEGUI? There are a lot of CEGUI dll's that I no nothing about, such as:
Hope somebody can help me