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Closing a window

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 20:21
by Ludi

I'm currently using 0.5.0RC2. How is it possible to close a window with a click on the "X"? Do I have to subscripe a special event, because when I currently click it, nothing happens.

And how can I disable the option to minimize the window to it's titlebar, when I double-click in the titlebar?

Thanks for the help and Greetings

Re: Closing a window

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 23:14
by spannerman
Ludi wrote:Hi,

I'm currently using 0.5.0RC2. How is it possible to close a window with a click on the "X"? Do I have to subscripe a special event, because when I currently click it, nothing happens.

Yes you must subscribe to the EventCloseClicked event, e.g:

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myFrameWindow->subscribeEvent(FrameWindow::EventCloseClicked, Event::Subscriber(&MyClassName::closeWindow, this));

Then do something in the method e.g:

Code: Select all

bool MyClassName::closeWindow(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e)

Ludi wrote:And how can I disable the option to minimize the window to it's titlebar, when I double-click in the titlebar?

Code: Select all


I think thats the method. Hope that helps.

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 18:49
by Ludi
Thanks for your help!
