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CEGUI::OgreCEGUIRenderer, compiling error

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 17:29
by devachan
Hi. I am using ubuntu dapper. I install cegui from apt (libcegui-mk2-0c2a) and ogre1.2.3 from cvs.

I have problems when I compile Tutorial 6 of wiki ogre

when compiling it throws the following error

Code: Select all

In function `TutorialApplication::createScene()':Tutorial6.cpp:(.gnu.linkonce.t._ZN19TutorialApplication11createSceneEv[TutorialApplication::createScene()]+0x9c):
reference a `CEGUI::OgreCEGUIRenderer::OgreCEGUIRenderer(Ogre::RenderWindow*, unsigned char, bool, unsigned int, Ogre::SceneManager*)' without defining

Thinking that my installation this badly, installs everything once again. But the error persists.
what is wrong?

sorry my english.. :oops:

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 08:44
by CrazyEddie
You're probably not linking with the linker library for the Ogre GUI Renderer module (which is included as part of the Ogre distribution) - at least that's the issue that hundreds of other people have when trying to do that very same tutorial.