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Add new skin to CELayoutEditor?

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 10:42
by realtiger
Hi all

How can I add a new skin to CELayoutEditor?
I have downloaded Sleekspace Skin and copied its files to dedicated folders (imagesets, looknfeels, schemes,...) but CELayoutEditor doesn't know it.


Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 13:16
by realtiger
I added it.
But sleekspace doesn't work correctly.

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 21:32
by LennyH
realtiger wrote:I added it.
But sleekspace doesn't work correctly.

How did you add it? All I have tried to get the LayoutEditor to see any new skins [or changes to the existing ones!] yield no results o_0

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 14:42
by realtiger
I put files in right folders and it works.

Copy imageset files (psplash.imageset, phud.imageset, sleekspace.imageset) to C:\CEGUI-SDK-0.5.0b\datafiles\imagesets

Copy looknfeel files
to C:\CEGUI-SDK-0.5.0b\datafiles\looknfeel

Change all png files to tga files (because CELayoutEditor can't read png files) and copy them to imagesets folder.

Change all png file names to tga in looknfeel files.

Then you can select datafiles folder when CELayoutEditor starting up. But there is something wrong with looknfeel file, so sleekspace doesn't look good as in screenshots.

You can change "C:\CEGUI-SDK-0.5.0b" to your own CEGUISDK folder.

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 17:24
by LennyH
Well, I've tried all of that before and the layout editor never consulted them. I can try again, although I am using 0.4.1 because the initial 0.5 version I used crashed way too much. I'll try both out and see.

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 13:07
by scriptkid
Hi Lenny,

only the 0.5 version of the editor supports adding files. The 0.4 version is hard-codes to only load the Windows- and Taharez files.