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StaticText widget background colour?

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 00:31
by Protagonist
Hi there, I was wondering if anybody knows if the background colour of a StaticText or other suitable widget can be set?

I want a key of "boxes" to indicate 1 of 3 options currently being selected. I made a StaticText box, with the background and frame enabled, which looks good for a non selected state. I was hoping to chage the background from grey (using WindowsLook), to black (and invert the text). The text part is simple, but, I can't seem to find a property for the background.

I checked the API, but I can't even find BackgroundEnabled in it, let alone a comphrensible list of options.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:18
by Rackle
Some looknfeel implement the FrameColours property
->setProperty("FrameColours", "tl:FFFF0000 tr:FFFF0000 bl:FFFF0000 br:FFFF0000");

Each string value is made up of "aarrggbb" parts in Hexadecimal.
tl: top left, tr: top right, bl: bottom left, br: bottom right

Hope this helps (even though it's late).