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Tabbed window

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 18:16
by dmail
I having a problem which I am sure is due to something I am doing incorrectly, but I am not able to create a TabControl window via code. I looked at ... TabControl which mentions the need for a TabPane yet I can not find any reference to this in the sdk. I also found the following post which shows code for a tabbed window from spannerman ... tabcontrol and that code does not mention a tab pane. the only difference between his and my code from what I see is the type of looks being used his Windows and mine TaharezLook. Yet the code is throwing an errors at the creation of a tab control and then log shows
24/03/2007 17:07:41 (InfL2) Window 'help_tab' of type 'TaharezLook/TabControl' has been created.
24/03/2007 17:07:41 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/TabControl' to the window 'help_tab'
24/03/2007 17:07:41 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/TabControl' to window 'help_tab'.
24/03/2007 17:07:41 (Error) Exception: WindowFactoryManager::getFactory - A WindowFactory object, an alias, or mapping for 'TaharezLook/TabContentPane' Window objects is not registered with the system.

yet earlier in the log it shows
24/03/2007 17:07:15 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for child widget. Type: TaharezLook/TabContentPane Suffix: __auto_TabPane__ Look:
24/03/2007 17:07:15 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for child widget. Type: TaharezLook/TabContentPane.

Can anybody tell me what I may be doing that is incorrect, or how to this in code? How do I register a factory for this?

....24/03/2007 17:07:14 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/TabButton' windows added.
24/03/2007 17:07:14 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/TabControl' windows added.
24/03/2007 17:07:14 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Thumb' windows added....


Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 11:22
by Rackle
Creating everything by code is not the (for me at least) simplest approach. From the code of WidgetGalore, the two components are:
TabControl* winTabControl and Window* tabPage. And from the .layout, those two are: "TaharezLook/TabControl" and Type="DefaultWindow". Note that the second one is schemeless.

I edited the Wiki to replace "TabPane" with "DefaultWindow". Let me know if you can now create your tab control / tab panes through code.

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 13:44
by dmail
Oisin tried to help in respect to this topic last night on irc and the following code which is near identical to mine (note he has added features for the create function to take three parameters and another define for cegui_reldim) still throws the same error when creating a "TaharezLook/TabControl" window.

However he was unable to reproduce the same error.

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 14:29
by Levia
Try addChildWindow(fs);

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 14:38
by dmail
Levia wrote:Try addChildWindow(fs);

The error is thrown before that at the creation of the TabControl window.

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 17:05
by dmail
Ok I'm really struggling with this an seek any help possible.
Im am suppling my cegui setup function and in the menu im trying to create a tabbed window (now trying to load via the xml demo tab sample)

Sorry for the long post.
Thanks in advance to anybody who can shed some light on this.

cegiu setup

Code: Select all


   //set the directory to the project root, it seems CEGUI does not
   //manage directories at the os level, were as we do.

   using namespace CEGUI;
   //get a CEGUIRenderer using the game renderer as input
   m_renderer = new DirectX9Renderer(Graphics::ref().renderer_ref() ,0);

   //create the system which in turns creates the gui singletons
   new System( m_renderer );

   //set the logging level
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(DEBUG)
#endif//logger level

   //initialise the required directories for the loader
   DefaultResourceProvider* loader =
      static_cast<DefaultResourceProvider*>( System::getSingleton().getResourceProvider() );

      //visual studio 2003 with CEGUI seems to have a problem with std::string
      //so lets supply a c style string
   loader->setResourceGroupDirectory("schemes", settings->get_setting<std::string>("cegui_schemes").c_str() );
   loader->setResourceGroupDirectory("imagesets", settings->get_setting<std::string>("cegui_imagesets").c_str() );
   loader->setResourceGroupDirectory("fonts", settings->get_setting<std::string>("cegui_fonts").c_str() );
   loader->setResourceGroupDirectory("layouts", settings->get_setting<std::string>("cegui_layouts").c_str() );
   loader->setResourceGroupDirectory("looknfeels", settings->get_setting<std::string>("cegui_looknfeels").c_str() );
   //catch (CEGUI::InvalidRequestException const& e)
      //logger <<e.getMessage().c_str() <<Log::endl;
      logger <<"somethign fucked up"<<Log::endl;

   //set the default resource groups to be used

   //setup the subsytems, create the imageset and store the pointer as it will be used throughout
   m_image_set = ImagesetManager::getSingleton().createImageset("TaharezLook.imageset");

   //we will need to supply our own mouse image in release as with optimisations
   //it disapears????
   //CEGUI::System::getSingleton().setDefaultMouseCursor(&m_image_set->getImage("MouseTarget") );

   //create the background image and strore it, we will not be managing this directly
   //the gui will do it when a lost device has happens
   std::string background = settings->get_setting<std::string>("default_background");
   CEGUI::Imageset* m_default_background = ImagesetManager::getSingleton().createImagesetFromImageFile("BackgroundImage",background,"imagesets");


Help state constructor which is causes the error to be thrown

Code: Select all

   using namespace CEGUI;
   //get and hold the window manager
   WindowManager& win = WindowManager::getSingleton();

   //setup the root for the menu
   m_root= (DefaultWindow*)WindowManager::getSingleton().createWindow("TaharezLook/StaticImage","help_root" );
   m_root->setPosition(UVector2(cegui_reldim(0),cegui_reldim(0)));//top left
   m_root->setProperty("Image","set:BackgroundImage image:full_image");

   //try and create a window with tabs
   m_root->addChildWindow (win.loadWindowLayout ("TabControlDemo.layout", "TabControlDemo/"));

   TabControl *tc = static_cast<TabControl *>(win.getWindow ("TabControlDemo/TabControl"));

   //dont try anything else as we dont get here??

25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) + Crazy Eddie's GUI System - Event log +
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) + ( +
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) CEGUI::Logger singleton created.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) ---- Begining CEGUI System initialisation ----
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) CEGUI::ImagesetManager singleton created
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) CEGUI::FontManager singleton created.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) CEGUI::WindowFactoryManager singleton created
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) CEGUI::WindowManager singleton created
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) CEGUI::SchemeManager singleton created.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) CEGUI::MouseCursor singleton created.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) CEGUI::GlobalEventSet singleton created.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) CEGUI::WidgetLookManager singleton created.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) CEGUI::WindowRendererManager singleton created
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'DefaultWindow' windows added.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'DragContainer' windows added.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'ScrolledContainer' windows added.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'ClippedContainer' windows added.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Checkbox' windows added.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/PushButton' windows added.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/RadioButton' windows added.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Combobox' windows added.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ComboDropList' windows added.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Editbox' windows added.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/FrameWindow' windows added.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ItemEntry' windows added.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Listbox' windows added.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ListHeader' windows added.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ListHeaderSegment' windows added.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Menubar' windows added.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/PopupMenu' windows added.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MenuItem' windows added.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MultiColumnList' windows added.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MultiLineEditbox' windows added.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ProgressBar' windows added.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ScrollablePane' windows added.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Scrollbar' windows added.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Slider' windows added.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Spinner' windows added.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/TabButton' windows added.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/TabControl' windows added.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Thumb' windows added.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Titlebar' windows added.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Tooltip' windows added.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ItemListbox' windows added.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) Window type alias named 'DefaultGUISheet' added for window type 'DefaultWindow'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) CEGUI::System singleton created.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) ---- CEGUI System initialisation completed ----
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) ---- Version 0.5.0 ----
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) ---- Renderer module is: CEGUI::DirectX81Renderer - Official Direct3D 9 based renderer module for CEGUI ----
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) ---- XML Parser module is: CEGUI::ExpatParser - Official expat based parser module for CEGUI ----
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) ---- Scripting module is: None ----
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) Attempting to create an Imageset from the information specified in file 'TaharezLook.imageset'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) All images have been removed from Imageset ''.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) Started creation of Imageset from XML specification:
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) ---- CEGUI Imageset name: TaharezLook
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) ---- Source texture file: TaharezLook.tga in resource group: (Default)
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ClientBrush' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'WindowLeftEdge' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'WindowRightEdge' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'WindowTopEdge' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'WindowBottomEdge' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'WindowTopLeft' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'WindowTopRight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'WindowBottomLeft' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'WindowBottomRight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ButtonLeftNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ButtonMiddleNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ButtonRightNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ButtonLeftPushed' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ButtonMiddlePushed' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ButtonRightPushed' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ButtonLeftHighlight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ButtonMiddleHighlight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ButtonRightHighlight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'CheckboxNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'CheckboxHover' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'CheckboxMark' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'RadioButtonNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'RadioButtonHover' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'RadioButtonMark' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TitlebarLeft' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TitlebarMiddle' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TitlebarRight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'NewTitlebarLeft' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'NewTitlebarMiddle' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'NewTitlebarRight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'SysAreaMiddle' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'SysAreaRight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'StaticLeft' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'StaticRight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'StaticTop' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'StaticBottom' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'StaticTopLeft' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'StaticTopRight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'StaticBottomLeft' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'StaticBottomRight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'StaticBackdrop' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ProgressBarLeft' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ProgressBarMiddle' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ProgressBarRight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ProgressBarDimSegment' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ProgressBarLitSegment' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'EditBoxLeft' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'EditBoxMiddle' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'EditBoxRight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'EditBoxCarat' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'SpinnerUpNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'SpinnerDownNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'SpinnerUpHover' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'SpinnerDownHover' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TextSelectionBrush' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'VertScrollTop' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'VertScrollMiddle' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'VertScrollBottom' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'VertScrollBarSegment' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'VertScrollThumbNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'VertScrollThumbHover' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'VertScrollUpNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'VertScrollDownNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'VertScrollUpHover' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'VertScrollDownHover' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MiniVertScrollBarSegment' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MiniVertScrollThumbNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MiniVertScrollThumbTopNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MiniVertScrollThumbMiddleNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MiniVertScrollThumbBottomNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MiniVertScrollThumbTopHover' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MiniVertScrollThumbMiddleHover' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MiniVertScrollThumbBottomHover' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MiniVertScrollThumbHover' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MiniVertScrollUpNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MiniVertScrollDownNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MiniVertScrollUpHover' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MiniVertScrollDownHover' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'VertSliderBody' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'VertSliderThumbNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'VertSliderThumbHover' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MiniHorzScrollBarSegment' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MiniHorzScrollThumbNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MiniHorzScrollThumbLeftNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MiniHorzScrollThumbMiddleNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MiniHorzScrollThumbRightNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MiniHorzScrollThumbHover' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MiniHorzScrollThumbLeftHover' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MiniHorzScrollThumbMiddleHover' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MiniHorzScrollThumbRightHover' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MiniHorzScrollLeftNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MiniHorzScrollRightNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MiniHorzScrollLeftHover' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MiniHorzScrollRightHover' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ListboxLeft' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ListboxRight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ListboxTop' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ListboxBottom' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ListboxTopLeft' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ListboxTopRight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ListboxBottomLeft' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ListboxBottomRight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ListboxBackdrop' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ListboxSelectionBrush' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ComboboxEditLeft' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ComboboxEditMiddle' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ComboboxListButtonNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ComboboxListButtonHover' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ComboboxListLeft' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ComboboxListRight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ComboboxListTop' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ComboboxListBottom' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ComboboxListTopLeft' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ComboboxListTopRight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ComboboxListBottomLeft' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ComboboxListBottomRight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ComboboxListBackdrop' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ComboboxSelectionBrush' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ComboboxDividerLeft' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ComboboxDividerMiddle' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'ComboboxDividerRight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'HeaderBarBackdropNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'HeaderBarBackdropHover' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'HeaderBarSplitterNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'HeaderBarSplitterHover' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'HeaderBarSortUp' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'HeaderBarSortDown' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MultiListLeft' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MultiListRight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MultiListTop' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MultiListBottom' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MultiListTopLeft' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MultiListTopRight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MultiListBottomLeft' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MultiListBottomRight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MultiListBackdrop' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MultiListSelectionBrush' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'AltProgressLeft' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'AltProgressMiddle' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'AltProgressRight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'AltProgressQuarter' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'AltProgressHalf' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'AltProgressLight1' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'AltProgressLight2' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'AltProgressLight3' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'AltProgressLight4' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'AltProgressLight5' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'AltProgressLight6' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'AltProgressLight7' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'AltProgressLight8' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'AltProgressLight9' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'AltProgressLight10' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'CloseButtonNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'CloseButtonHover' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'CloseButtonPressed' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'NewCloseButtonNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'NewCloseButtonHover' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'NewCloseButtonPressed' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MultiLineEditboxLeft' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MultiLineEditboxRight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MultiLineEditboxTop' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MultiLineEditboxBottom' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MultiLineEditboxTopLeft' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MultiLineEditboxTopRight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MultiLineEditboxBottomLeft' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MultiLineEditboxBottomRight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MultiLineEditboxBackdrop' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MultiLineEditboxSelectionBrush' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MouseTarget' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MouseArrow' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MouseMoveCursor' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MouseNoSoCursor' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MouseEsWeCursor' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MouseNeSwCursor' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MouseNwSeCursor' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MouseTextBar' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TabHorizontalFiller' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TabContentPaneUpperLeft' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TabContentPaneUpper' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TabContentPaneUpperRight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TabContentPaneLeft' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TabContentPaneRight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TabContentPaneLower' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TabContentPaneLowerLeft' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TabContentPaneLowerRight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TabContentPaneMiddle' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TabButtonScrollLeftNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TabButtonScrollRightNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TabButtonScrollLeftHover' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TabButtonScrollRightHover' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TabButtonLeftNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TabButtonRightNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TabButtonUpperNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TabButtonLowerNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TabButtonUpperLeftNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TabButtonUpperLeft2Normal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TabButtonUpperRightNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TabButtonLowerLeftNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TabButtonLowerRightNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TabButtonLowerRight2Normal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TabButtonMiddleNormal' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TabButtonLeftSelected' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TabButtonRightSelected' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TabButtonUpperSelected' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TabButtonLowerSelected' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TabButtonUpperLeftSelected' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TabButtonUpperRightSelected' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TabButtonLowerLeftSelected' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TabButtonLowerRightSelected' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TabButtonMiddleSelected' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TooltipTopLeft' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TooltipTopRight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TooltipBottomLeft' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TooltipBottomRight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TooltipLeftEdge' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TooltipRightEdge' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TooltipTopEdge' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TooltipBottomEdge' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'TooltipMiddle' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MenuTopLeft' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MenuTopRight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MenuBottomLeft' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MenuBottomRight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MenuLeft' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MenuRight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MenuTop' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MenuBottom' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'MenuMiddle' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'PopupMenuFrameTopLeft' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'PopupMenuFrameTopRight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'PopupMenuFrameBottomLeft' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'PopupMenuFrameBottomRight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'PopupMenuFrameLeft' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'PopupMenuFrameRight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'PopupMenuFrameTop' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'PopupMenuFrameBottom' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'PopupMenuMiddle' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'PopupMenuArrowRight' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL3) Image 'PopupMenuArrowLeft' has been defined for Imageset 'TaharezLook'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL2) Finished creation of Imageset 'TaharezLook' via XML file.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) Attempting to create Font from the information specified in file 'DejaVuSans-10.font'.
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) Started creation of FreeType Font:
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) ---- CEGUI font name: DejaVuSans-10
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) ---- Source file: DejaVuSans.ttf in resource group: (Default)
25/03/2007 17:27:39 (InfL1) ---- Real point size: 10
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL1) Succsessfully loaded 3045 glyphs
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL2) Finished creation of Font 'DejaVuSans-10' via XML file.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL1) ===== Falagard 'root' element: look and feel parsing begins =====
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Button'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Adding PropertyDefiniton. Name: NormalTextColour Default Value: FFFFFFFF
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Adding PropertyDefiniton. Name: HoverTextColour Default Value: FFFFFFFF
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Adding PropertyDefiniton. Name: PushedTextColour Default Value: FFFFFFFF
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Adding PropertyDefiniton. Name: DisabledTextColour Default Value: FF7F7F7F
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Adding PropertyDefiniton. Name: VertLabelFormatting Default Value: CentreAligned
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Adding PropertyDefiniton. Name: HorzLabelFormatting Default Value: CentreAligned
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Adding PropertyDefiniton. Name: NormalImage Default Value:
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Adding PropertyDefiniton. Name: HoverImage Default Value:
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Adding PropertyDefiniton. Name: PushedImage Default Value:
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Adding PropertyDefiniton. Name: DisabledImage Default Value:
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Adding PropertyDefiniton. Name: VertImageFormatting Default Value: Stretched
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Adding PropertyDefiniton. Name: HorzImageFormatting Default Value: Stretched
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery section 'label'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Text component definition...
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery section 'label'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery section 'normal'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Frame component definition...
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: ButtonLeftNormal from imageset: TaharezLook for: LeftEdge
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: ButtonRightNormal from imageset: TaharezLook for: RightEdge
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: ButtonMiddleNormal from imageset: TaharezLook for: Background
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Image component definition...
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery section 'normal'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery section 'hover'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Frame component definition...
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: ButtonLeftHighlight from imageset: TaharezLook for: LeftEdge
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: ButtonRightHighlight from imageset: TaharezLook for: RightEdge
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: ButtonMiddleHighlight from imageset: TaharezLook for: Background
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Image component definition...
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery section 'hover'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery section 'pushed'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Frame component definition...
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: ButtonLeftPushed from imageset: TaharezLook for: LeftEdge
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: ButtonRightPushed from imageset: TaharezLook for: RightEdge
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: ButtonMiddlePushed from imageset: TaharezLook for: Background
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Image component definition...
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery section 'pushed'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery for state 'Normal'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Start of definition of new imagery layer, priority: 0
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'normal'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'label'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------< End of definition of imagery layer.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery for state 'Normal'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery for state 'Hover'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Start of definition of new imagery layer, priority: 0
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'hover'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'label'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------< End of definition of imagery layer.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery for state 'Hover'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery for state 'Pushed'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Start of definition of new imagery layer, priority: 0
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'pushed'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'label'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------< End of definition of imagery layer.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery for state 'Pushed'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery for state 'PushedOff'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Start of definition of new imagery layer, priority: 0
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'hover'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'label'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------< End of definition of imagery layer.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery for state 'PushedOff'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery for state 'Disabled'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Start of definition of new imagery layer, priority: 0
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'normal'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'label'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------< End of definition of imagery layer.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery for state 'Disabled'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Button'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/RadioButton'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Adding PropertyDefiniton. Name: NormalTextColour Default Value: FFFFFFFF
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Adding PropertyDefiniton. Name: HoverTextColour Default Value: FFFFFFFF
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Adding PropertyDefiniton. Name: PushedTextColour Default Value: FFFFFFFF
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Adding PropertyDefiniton. Name: DisabledTextColour Default Value: FF7F7F7F
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery section 'label'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Text component definition...
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery section 'label'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery section 'normal'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Image component definition...
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: RadioButtonNormal from imageset: TaharezLook
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery section 'normal'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery section 'hover'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Image component definition...
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: RadioButtonHover from imageset: TaharezLook
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery section 'hover'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery section 'select_mark'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Image component definition...
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: RadioButtonMark from imageset: TaharezLook
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery section 'select_mark'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery for state 'Normal'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Start of definition of new imagery layer, priority: 0
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'normal'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'label'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------< End of definition of imagery layer.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery for state 'Normal'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery for state 'Hover'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Start of definition of new imagery layer, priority: 0
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'hover'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'label'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------< End of definition of imagery layer.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery for state 'Hover'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery for state 'Disabled'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Start of definition of new imagery layer, priority: 0
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'normal'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'label'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------< End of definition of imagery layer.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery for state 'Disabled'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery for state 'SelectedNormal'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Start of definition of new imagery layer, priority: 0
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'normal'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'select_mark'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'label'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------< End of definition of imagery layer.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery for state 'SelectedNormal'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery for state 'SelectedHover'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Start of definition of new imagery layer, priority: 0
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'hover'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'select_mark'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'label'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------< End of definition of imagery layer.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery for state 'SelectedHover'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery for state 'SelectedDisabled'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Start of definition of new imagery layer, priority: 0
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'normal'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'select_mark'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'label'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------< End of definition of imagery layer.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery for state 'SelectedDisabled'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/RadioButton'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Checkbox'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Adding PropertyDefiniton. Name: NormalTextColour Default Value: FFFFFFFF
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Adding PropertyDefiniton. Name: HoverTextColour Default Value: FFFFFFFF
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Adding PropertyDefiniton. Name: PushedTextColour Default Value: FFFFFFFF
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Adding PropertyDefiniton. Name: DisabledTextColour Default Value: FF7F7F7F
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery section 'label'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Text component definition...
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery section 'label'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery section 'normal'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Image component definition...
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: CheckboxNormal from imageset: TaharezLook
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery section 'normal'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery section 'hover'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Image component definition...
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: CheckboxHover from imageset: TaharezLook
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery section 'hover'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery section 'select_mark'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Image component definition...
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: CheckboxMark from imageset: TaharezLook
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery section 'select_mark'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery for state 'Normal'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Start of definition of new imagery layer, priority: 0
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'normal'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'label'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------< End of definition of imagery layer.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery for state 'Normal'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery for state 'Hover'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Start of definition of new imagery layer, priority: 0
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'hover'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'label'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------< End of definition of imagery layer.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery for state 'Hover'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery for state 'Disabled'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Start of definition of new imagery layer, priority: 0
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'normal'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'label'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------< End of definition of imagery layer.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery for state 'Disabled'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery for state 'SelectedNormal'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Start of definition of new imagery layer, priority: 0
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'normal'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'select_mark'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'label'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------< End of definition of imagery layer.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery for state 'SelectedNormal'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery for state 'SelectedHover'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Start of definition of new imagery layer, priority: 0
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'hover'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'select_mark'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'label'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------< End of definition of imagery layer.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery for state 'SelectedHover'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery for state 'SelectedDisabled'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Start of definition of new imagery layer, priority: 0
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'normal'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'select_mark'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'label'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------< End of definition of imagery layer.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery for state 'SelectedDisabled'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Checkbox'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Editbox'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Adding PropertyDefiniton. Name: NormalTextColour Default Value: FFFFFFFF
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Adding PropertyDefiniton. Name: SelectedTextColour Default Value: FF000000
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Adding PropertyDefiniton. Name: ActiveSelectionColour Default Value: FF607FFF
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Adding PropertyDefiniton. Name: InactiveSelectionColour Default Value: FF808080
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---> Added property initialiser for property: MouseCursorImage with value: set:TaharezLook image:MouseTextBar
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Creating named area: TextArea
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery section 'container_normal'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Frame component definition...
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: EditBoxLeft from imageset: TaharezLook for: LeftEdge
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: EditBoxRight from imageset: TaharezLook for: RightEdge
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: EditBoxMiddle from imageset: TaharezLook for: Background
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery section 'container_normal'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery section 'selection'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Image component definition...
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: TextSelectionBrush from imageset: TaharezLook
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery section 'selection'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery section 'Carat'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Image component definition...
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: EditBoxCarat from imageset: TaharezLook
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery section 'Carat'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery for state 'Enabled'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Start of definition of new imagery layer, priority: 0
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'container_normal'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------< End of definition of imagery layer.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery for state 'Enabled'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery for state 'ReadOnly'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Start of definition of new imagery layer, priority: 0
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'container_normal'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------< End of definition of imagery layer.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery for state 'ReadOnly'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery for state 'Disabled'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Start of definition of new imagery layer, priority: 0
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'container_normal'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------< End of definition of imagery layer.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery for state 'Disabled'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery for state 'ActiveSelection'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Start of definition of new imagery layer, priority: 0
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'selection'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------< End of definition of imagery layer.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery for state 'ActiveSelection'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery for state 'InactiveSelection'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Start of definition of new imagery layer, priority: 0
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'selection'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------< End of definition of imagery layer.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery for state 'InactiveSelection'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Editbox'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Titlebar'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Adding PropertyDefiniton. Name: CaptionColour Default Value: FFFFFFFF
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery section 'main'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Image component definition...
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: NewTitlebarLeft from imageset: TaharezLook
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Image component definition...
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: NewTitlebarRight from imageset: TaharezLook
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Image component definition...
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: SysAreaMiddle from imageset: TaharezLook
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Image component definition...
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: SysAreaRight from imageset: TaharezLook
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Image component definition...
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: NewTitlebarMiddle from imageset: TaharezLook
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery section 'main'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery section 'caption'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Text component definition...
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery section 'caption'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery for state 'Active'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Start of definition of new imagery layer, priority: 0
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'main'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'caption'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------< End of definition of imagery layer.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery for state 'Active'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery for state 'Inactive'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Start of definition of new imagery layer, priority: 0
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'main'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'caption'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------< End of definition of imagery layer.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery for state 'Inactive'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery for state 'Disabled'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Start of definition of new imagery layer, priority: 0
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'main'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Layer references imagery section 'caption'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------< End of definition of imagery layer.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery for state 'Disabled'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Titlebar'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/FrameWindow'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Adding PropertyLinkDefiniton. Name: CaptionColour Target widget: __auto_titlebar__ Target property: CaptionColour Default Value: FFFFFFFF
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Adding PropertyLinkDefiniton. Name: TitlebarFont Target widget: __auto_titlebar__ Target property: Font Default Value:
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---> Added property initialiser for property: NSSizingCursorImage with value: set:TaharezLook image:MouseNoSoCursor
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---> Added property initialiser for property: EWSizingCursorImage with value: set:TaharezLook image:MouseEsWeCursor
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---> Added property initialiser for property: NWSESizingCursorImage with value: set:TaharezLook image:MouseNwSeCursor
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---> Added property initialiser for property: NESWSizingCursorImage with value: set:TaharezLook image:MouseNeSwCursor
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Creating named area: ClientWithTitleWithFrame
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Creating named area: ClientWithTitleNoFrame
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Creating named area: ClientNoTitleWithFrame
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Creating named area: ClientNoTitleNoFrame
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for child widget. Type: TaharezLook/Titlebar Suffix: __auto_titlebar__ Look:
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Added property initialiser for property: AlwaysOnTop with value: False
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for child widget. Type: TaharezLook/Titlebar.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for child widget. Type: TaharezLook/SystemButton Suffix: __auto_closebutton__ Look:
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Added property initialiser for property: AlwaysOnTop with value: True
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Added property initialiser for property: NormalImage with value: set:TaharezLook image:NewCloseButtonNormal
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Added property initialiser for property: HoverImage with value: set:TaharezLook image:NewCloseButtonHover
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Added property initialiser for property: PushedImage with value: set:TaharezLook image:NewCloseButtonPressed
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for child widget. Type: TaharezLook/SystemButton.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery section 'withtitle_frame'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Frame component definition...
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: WindowBottomLeft from imageset: TaharezLook for: BottomLeftCorner
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: WindowBottomRight from imageset: TaharezLook for: BottomRightCorner
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: WindowLeftEdge from imageset: TaharezLook for: LeftEdge
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: WindowRightEdge from imageset: TaharezLook for: RightEdge
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: WindowBottomEdge from imageset: TaharezLook for: BottomEdge
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: ClientBrush from imageset: TaharezLook for: Background
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery section 'withtitle_frame'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery section 'notitle_frame'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Frame component definition...
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: WindowTopLeft from imageset: TaharezLook for: TopLeftCorner
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: WindowTopRight from imageset: TaharezLook for: TopRightCorner
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: WindowBottomLeft from imageset: TaharezLook for: BottomLeftCorner
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: WindowBottomRight from imageset: TaharezLook for: BottomRightCorner
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: WindowLeftEdge from imageset: TaharezLook for: LeftEdge
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: WindowRightEdge from imageset: TaharezLook for: RightEdge
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: WindowBottomEdge from imageset: TaharezLook for: BottomEdge
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) ---------> Using image: ClientBrush from imageset: TaharezLook for: Background
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----< End of definition for imagery section 'notitle_frame'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -----> Start of definition for imagery section 'withtitle_noframe_client_area'.
25/03/2007 17:27:40 (InfL3) -------> Image component definit

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 17:16
by dmail
it appears the forum cant take this amount of text
[edit] well that seems to be a forum bug the preview shows all the text. hmm. ill just post the error instead, if the parts are required i will repost that

25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) ---- Beginning loading of GUI layout from 'TabControlDemo.layout' ----
25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1' of type 'DefaultGUISheet' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPaneTop' of type 'TaharezLook/RadioButton' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/ToggleButton' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPaneTop'
25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/RadioButton' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPaneTop'.
25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPaneBottom' of type 'TaharezLook/RadioButton' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/ToggleButton' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPaneBottom'
25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/RadioButton' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPaneBottom'.
25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/AddTab' of type 'TaharezLook/Button' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/AddTab'
25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Button' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/AddTab'.
25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/PageList' of type 'TaharezLook/Listbox' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Listbox' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/PageList'
25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Listbox' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/PageList'.
25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/PageList__auto_hscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/PageList__auto_hscrollbar__'
25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/PageList__auto_hscrollbar__'.
25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/PageList__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/PageList__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'
25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/PageList__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'.
25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/PageList__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/PageList__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'
25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/PageList__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'.
25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/PageList__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/PageList__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__'
25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/PageList__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__'.
25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/PageList__auto_vscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/PageList__auto_vscrollbar__'
25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/PageList__auto_vscrollbar__'.
25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/PageList__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/PageList__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'
25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/PageList__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'.
25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/PageList__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/PageList__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'
25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/PageList__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'.
25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/PageList__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/PageList__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__'
25/03/2007 17:27:55 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/PageList__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/Go' of type 'TaharezLook/Button' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/Go'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Button' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/Go'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/Show' of type 'TaharezLook/Button' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/Show'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Button' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/Show'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/Del' of type 'TaharezLook/Button' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/Del'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Button' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/Del'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeightDesc' of type 'TaharezLook/StaticText' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/StaticText' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeightDesc'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/StaticText' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeightDesc'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeightDesc__auto_hscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeightDesc__auto_hscrollbar__'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeightDesc__auto_hscrollbar__'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeightDesc__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeightDesc__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeightDesc__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeightDesc__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeightDesc__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeightDesc__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeightDesc__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeightDesc__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeightDesc__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeightDesc__auto_vscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeightDesc__auto_vscrollbar__'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeightDesc__auto_vscrollbar__'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeightDesc__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeightDesc__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeightDesc__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeightDesc__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeightDesc__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeightDesc__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeightDesc__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeightDesc__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeightDesc__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeight' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeight'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeight'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeight__auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeight__auto_incbtn__'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeight__auto_incbtn__'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeight__auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeight__auto_decbtn__'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeight__auto_decbtn__'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeight__auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeight__auto_thumb__'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabHeight__auto_thumb__'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPaddingDesc' of type 'TaharezLook/StaticText' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/StaticText' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPaddingDesc'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/StaticText' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPaddingDesc'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPaddingDesc__auto_hscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPaddingDesc__auto_hscrollbar__'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPaddingDesc__auto_hscrollbar__'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPaddingDesc__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPaddingDesc__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPaddingDesc__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPaddingDesc__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPaddingDesc__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPaddingDesc__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPaddingDesc__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPaddingDesc__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPaddingDesc__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPaddingDesc__auto_vscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPaddingDesc__auto_vscrollbar__'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPaddingDesc__auto_vscrollbar__'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPaddingDesc__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPaddingDesc__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPaddingDesc__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPaddingDesc__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPaddingDesc__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPaddingDesc__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPaddingDesc__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPaddingDesc__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPaddingDesc__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPadding' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPadding'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPadding'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPadding__auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPadding__auto_incbtn__'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPadding__auto_incbtn__'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPadding__auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPadding__auto_decbtn__'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPadding__auto_decbtn__'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPadding__auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPadding__auto_thumb__'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page1/TabPadding__auto_thumb__'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page2' of type 'DefaultGUISheet' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page2/Button1' of type 'TaharezLook/Button' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page2/Button1'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Button' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page2/Button1'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page2/Button2' of type 'TaharezLook/Button' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page2/Button2'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Button' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page2/Button2'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page2/Button3' of type 'TaharezLook/Button' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page2/Button3'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Button' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page2/Button3'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page2/Button4' of type 'TaharezLook/Button' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page2/Button4'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Button' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page2/Button4'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page2/Button5' of type 'TaharezLook/Button' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page2/Button5'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Button' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page2/Button5'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page2/Button6' of type 'TaharezLook/Button' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page2/Button6'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Button' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page2/Button6'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page2/Button7' of type 'TaharezLook/Button' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page2/Button7'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Button' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page2/Button7'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Page2/Button8' of type 'TaharezLook/Button' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'TabControlDemo/Page2/Button8'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Button' to window 'TabControlDemo/Page2/Button8'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Root' of type 'DefaultGUISheet' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/' of type 'TaharezLook/FrameWindow' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/FrameWindow' to the window 'TabControlDemo/'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/FrameWindow' to window 'TabControlDemo/'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/__auto_titlebar__' of type 'TaharezLook/Titlebar' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Titlebar' to the window 'TabControlDemo/__auto_titlebar__'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Titlebar' to window 'TabControlDemo/__auto_titlebar__'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/__auto_closebutton__' of type 'TaharezLook/SystemButton' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/SystemButton' to the window 'TabControlDemo/__auto_closebutton__'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Button' to window 'TabControlDemo/__auto_closebutton__'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/TabControl' of type 'TaharezLook/TabControl' has been created.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/TabControl' to the window 'TabControlDemo/TabControl'
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/TabControl' to window 'TabControlDemo/TabControl'.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (Error) Exception: WindowFactoryManager::getFactory - A WindowFactory object, an alias, or mapping for 'TaharezLook/TabContentPane' Window objects is not registered with the system.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/__auto_titlebar__' has been added to dead pool.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/__auto_closebutton__' has been added to dead pool.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/' has been added to dead pool.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (InfL2) Window 'TabControlDemo/Root' has been added to dead pool.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (Error) Exception: GUILayout_xmlHandler::startElement - layout loading has been aborted since no WindowFactory is available for 'TaharezLook/TabControl' objects.
25/03/2007 17:27:56 (Error) WindowManager::loadWindowLayout - loading of layout from file 'TabControlDemo.layout' failed.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 12:30
by dmail
bump ;(
Anyone got any ideas for this?

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 14:05
by Rackle
I'm using "TaharezLook.scheme" rather than "TaharezLookWidgets.scheme". Look through your scheme and locate the definition for:

<FalagardMapping WindowType="TaharezLook/TabContentPane"

Which version of Cegui are you using? Maybe not the latest.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 11:16
by dmail
Thanks for the response
It's uses the default unedited scheme and looknfeel that ships with cegui released 28th Nov :)


Code: Select all

<FalagardMapping WindowType="TaharezLook/TabContentPane"    TargetType="DefaultWindow"    Renderer="Falagard/Default"    LookNFeel="TaharezLook/TabContentPane" />


Code: Select all

    <WidgetLook name="TaharezLook/TabContentPane">
        <PropertyDefinition name="EnableTop" initialValue="0" redrawOnWrite="true" layoutOnwrite="true" />
        <PropertyDefinition name="EnableBottom" initialValue="0" redrawOnWrite="true" layoutOnwrite="true" />
        <ImagerySection name="normal">
                    <Dim type="LeftEdge" ><AbsoluteDim value="0" /></Dim>
                    <Dim type="TopEdge" ><AbsoluteDim value="0" /></Dim>
                    <Dim type="Width" ><UnifiedDim scale="1" type="Width" /></Dim>
                    <Dim type="BottomEdge" >
                        <ImageDim imageset="TaharezLook" image="TabContentPaneUpperLeft" dimension="Height">
                            <DimOperator op="Multiply">
                                <PropertyDim name="EnableTop" />
                <Image type="TopLeftCorner" imageset="TaharezLook" image="TabContentPaneUpperLeft" />
                <Image type="TopEdge" imageset="TaharezLook" image="TabContentPaneUpper" />
                <Image type="TopRightCorner" imageset="TaharezLook" image="TabContentPaneUpperRight" />
                    <Dim type="LeftEdge" ><AbsoluteDim value="0" /></Dim>
                    <Dim type="TopEdge" >
                        <ImageDim imageset="TaharezLook" image="TabContentPaneUpperLeft" dimension="Height">
                            <DimOperator op="Multiply">
                                <PropertyDim name="EnableTop" />
                    <Dim type="Width" ><UnifiedDim scale="1" type="Width" /></Dim>
                    <Dim type="BottomEdge" >
                        <UnifiedDim scale="1" type="Height">
                            <DimOperator op="Subtract">
                                <ImageDim imageset="TaharezLook" image="TabContentPaneLowerLeft" dimension="Height">
                                    <DimOperator op="Multiply">
                                        <PropertyDim name="EnableBottom" />
                <Image type="LeftEdge" imageset="TaharezLook" image="TabContentPaneLeft" />
                <Image type="Background" imageset="TaharezLook" image="TabContentPaneMiddle" />
                <Image type="RightEdge" imageset="TaharezLook" image="TabContentPaneRight" />
                    <Dim type="LeftEdge" ><AbsoluteDim value="0" /></Dim>
                    <Dim type="TopEdge" >
                        <UnifiedDim scale="1" type="Height">
                            <DimOperator op="Subtract">
                                <ImageDim imageset="TaharezLook" image="TabContentPaneLowerLeft" dimension="Height">
                                    <DimOperator op="Multiply">
                                        <PropertyDim name="EnableBottom" />
                    <Dim type="Width" ><UnifiedDim scale="1" type="Width" /></Dim>
                    <Dim type="BottomEdge" ><UnifiedDim scale="1" type="Height" /></Dim>
                <Image type="BottomLeftCorner" imageset="TaharezLook" image="TabContentPaneLowerLeft" />
                <Image type="BottomEdge" imageset="TaharezLook" image="TabContentPaneLower" />
                <Image type="BottomRightCorner" imageset="TaharezLook" image="TabContentPaneLowerRight" />
        <StateImagery name="Enabled">
                <Section section="normal" />
        <StateImagery name="Disabled">
                <Section section="normal">
                    <Colours topLeft="FF7F7F7F" topRight="FF7F7F7F" bottomLeft="FF7F7F7F" bottomRight="FF7F7F7F" />

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 23:34
by Rackle
Rackle wrote:I'm using "TaharezLook.scheme" rather than "TaharezLookWidgets.scheme".

And what about that part? Other than this I'm stumped. Sorry.