How can I build CEGUI 0.6.0 from source for Code::Blocks?

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How can I build CEGUI 0.6.0 from source for Code::Blocks?

Postby kokemohr » Sun Apr 06, 2008 05:58


I am currently writing a college project using Ogre3D and Code::Blocks. As the only available prebuilt CEGUI 0.6.0 packages are those of Visual C I'd like to know how to build CEGUI from source so that I can use it with Code::Blocks.

Any help is highly appreciated,

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Postby CrazyEddie » Sun Apr 06, 2008 15:20

Hi, and welcome :)

Just a note to say I'm not certain about this, I've not looked at Code::Blocks in a long, long while.

How you proceed may also depend on the tool set in use (if they still support different tool-sets, that is) - so posting that (if it's still relevant ) may be of use.


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Postby K0h4n » Sun Apr 06, 2008 16:24

Hi there

We both in the same situation here
and I cant find any precompiled SDK for Code::Blocks
but i found the previous version precompiled lib in this link: ... _Downloads

and i found another people try to compile it in net bean but i think he is trying to compile the dependency using Cygwin (CMIIW): ... code+block

another tutorial that i found on xadeck about how to compile CEGUI on linux (although previous version also): ... ces/CEGUI/

i hope this information would help you

any volunteer for creating precompiled lib or SDK is appreciated

thank you

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Postby Stoper » Wed Jul 09, 2008 18:25

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Postby doomedfox » Fri Jul 11, 2008 13:09

Hi there,
First of all this is my first post in this forum :oops:. I had the same problem and resolved it today, so I hope my contribution will help a lot of beginners like me :wink:.
I don't think a prebuild SDK for C::B is not really a good idea, (perhaps for begginers but that's not the matter), because CEGUI can be build in a lot of different flavors, with different modules ( Expat+OpenGLRenderer+TgaCodec or TinnyXML+DX9Renderer+DevILCodec, etc.). So building it from the source is the most efficient and flexible approach.
Since C::B (I'm using v8.02) come with of a quite efficient plugin that can import VStudio project and solution files, the best practice (IMHO) is to use the classic premake procedure for VisualStudio and then use the Importer plugin.

After Importing the visualStudio solution file in C::B, the only thing to do is to resolve the import dependency for each project. I will ask CE if I can create a topic or tutorial explaining in more details the procedure.

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Postby Stoper » Fri Jul 11, 2008 14:50

Sure, I made it for lazy people like me :P (people not wanting to work with all those dependencies, which turned out being not that bad)

Premake can output C::B projects, isn't that easier than exporting to VS and then converting to C::B?

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Postby doomedfox » Mon Jul 21, 2008 19:58

Stoper wrote:Sure, I made it for lazy people like me :P (people not wanting to work with all those dependencies, which turned out being not that bad)

I perfectly understand :wink:.

Stoper wrote:Premake can output C::B projects, isn't that easier than exporting to VS and then converting to C::B?

Absolutley, for lazy guys :

Create a file named "build_cb.bat" and copy past the following batch code :

Code: Select all

premake --file cegui.lua --target cb-gcc

This will create the workspace for you. But there might be dependency problems, but every C::B user must be able to deal with them :wink:.

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