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CD3DApplication Frame problem

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 06:34
by chendot
Hi, I want to test CEGUI in the old D3D Frame(CD3DApplication frame), I am not familar with this frame :oops: and I get some problem about the device reset.
I added postD3DReset() and preD3DReset() as below. and I've got D3D reset error when I want to resize window or change device.

Code: Select all

HRESULT CSceneDemo::RestoreDeviceObjects()
   return S_OK;

HRESULT CSceneDemo::InvalidateDeviceObjects()
   return S_OK;

Is that right?

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 08:42
by CrazyEddie

I am also unfamiliar with CD3DApplication, however from what I can gather from the member names, it looks like what you are doing should be correct.

Hopefully someone with the required knowledge will be able to confirm or correct this as appropriate :)