I have two questions. Firstly, a weird error. I cannot see anything wrong with this code:
Code: Select all
void CGUI::Bind( const std::string& name )
CEGUI::Window* w = m_windowManager->getWindow( name );
w->subscribeEvent( CEGUI::PushButton::EventClicked, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&CGUI::SendGUIEvent, this));
but it gives me this error:
Code: Select all
error C2661: 'CEGUI::SubscriberSlot::SubscriberSlot' : no overloaded function takes 2 arguments
Secondly, assuming I can get this working, how can I send arguments with the event?
Maybe an ID of the triggering window?
EDIT -- I've tried it with the BIND_CEGUI_EVENT macro too, same problem.
EDIT -- I thought I had found the prob when I noticed my callback function didn't have CEGUI::EventArgs as its arguments. No change in the compile problem, although I guess that answers my second question a little
I forgot I hadn't matched the function signature exactly. My callback (SendGUIEvent) was void(EventArgs*) not bool(EventArgs*)