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[solved] drag & drop with scrollpane issue

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 09:39
by Rincevent
I was playing a bit with your DragDropDemo sample.
I wanted to add a scrollpane under the slots so that the window can be resized and to be able to add more slots then the windows can display.
However I encountered 2 issues:

- it is not possible to drop an item to a slot which is intially out of the window.
e.g I have a dragcontainer is my first slot. I can drag and drop it in any slot displayed in my window.
Now i move the scrollbar of the scrollpane to show hidden slots. Then if I try to drag and drop the dragcontainer to a previously
hidden slot it will not work.

- I guess the seocnd issue is related: if i have a dragcontainer into a slot and then I resize my window to hide the slot where my container was then the container will totally disappear.


Re: drag & drop with scrollpane issue

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 10:57
by CrazyEddie

These sound like bugs and are probably related to the slightly hacky way that ScrollablePane works, I'll check it out a bit later on...



Re: drag & drop with scrollpane issue

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 12:29
by CrazyEddie
To update on this, I've done some testing and it seems that the ScrollablePane in 0.7.0 has some pretty big issues (not just D&D related). I'll need to perform major surgery to get this working correctly again, so it's likely to take a few days :lol:


Re: drag & drop with scrollpane issue

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 09:28
by CrazyEddie
I've fixed a whole bunch of issues related to ScrollablePane this morning. In testing I see that in the ScrollablePane demo app, resizing of the dialogs is broken - I think this was working in the 0.7.0 release, so that has apparently been broken by some other fix I made elsewhere - this should be fixed later today also.


Re: drag & drop with scrollpane issue

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 21:19
by Rincevent
Just wanted to say that I installed the latest build and this issue is now fixed.



Re: [solved] drag & drop with scrollpane issue

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 08:45
by CrazyEddie
Thanks for the confirmation :)