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Button with transparent region

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 21:48
by Handy
I am a beginner, however I love your code base. :D
Currently I can make "normal " buttons that are more or less solid throughout.
However, I am trying to make a button that only where only the edges are visible and the entire button interior is transparent.

Is their some way to define this in the looknfeel xml file?
I have made all of my own skin, looknfeel, and imageset, however I based most of it off of the Vanilla set.

Hopefully this is enough information to give me a clue. ;)

Thanks in advance.


Re: Button with transparent region

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 08:55
by CrazyEddie
The way to do this will depend on how your WidgetLook that defines the button is currently organised. If you have a FrameComponent to define the button imagery, you can leave out the Background image specification and the background will then be totally transparent (because no image will be drawn).

Depending how closely you followed Vanilla, since it uses a lot of 'shared' definitions, you can switch from "Frame" in the "Vanilla/Shared" definitions to "FrameOnly" and you should magically get a frame with no background ;)


Re: Button with transparent region

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 20:31
by Handy
That works perfectlyl. :)
