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Scrollbar thumb is not on top

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 06:40
by qylibohao
Hi ! I have learned cegui for half months,i use SDK 0.7 .few days ago i needed to add a scrollbar to my OSG scenegraph .but something stoped me .
see the images below,I modified the TaharezLook.tga and added my ps image on it .i hadn't changed looknfeel and schemes files .
but the scrollbarthumb is under the scrollbarsegment . and I changed to use the WindowsLook,but still the same .
can anyone help me please?
Image Image

Re: Scrollbar thumb is not on top

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 10:45
by CrazyEddie
Please try to post in the correct forum, if you have any doubts about which forum that is, then it's the Beginners Help forum that you're looking for ;)

Try enabling the extra state settings for the OpenGL renderer:

Code: Select all


or something similar, and it should resolve this issue.


Re: Scrollbar thumb is not on top

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 12:20
by qylibohao
CrazyEddie wrote:Please try to post in the correct forum, if you have any doubts about which forum that is, then it's the Beginners Help forum that you're looking for ;)

Try enabling the extra state settings for the OpenGL renderer:

Code: Select all


or something similar, and it should resolve this issue.


Thank you CE ,and it works . :rofl:
next time I'll move to beginners help if i have problems