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Problem about onMouseDoubleClicked

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 08:25
by houhou_x
I have two problem about onMouseDoubleClicked.

Code: Select all

 if (d_generateMouseClickEvents && ma.window->wantsMultiClickEvents())
            switch (tkr.d_click_count)
            case 1:

            case 2:

            case 3:

1).If d_generateMouseClickEvents is true, onMouseDoubleClicked is not handled by CEGUI, so the game app recieved the event.(onMouseTripleClicked also)
2).Whether onMouseButtonDown will be fired before onMouseDoubleClicked or onMouseTripleClicked?

Thanks :rofl:

Re: Problem about onMouseDoubleClicked

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 19:09
by Jamarr
Please post in the correct forum next time.

houhou_x wrote:1).If d_generateMouseClickEvents is true, onMouseDoubleClicked is not handled by CEGUI, so the game app recieved the event.(onMouseTripleClicked also)

I assume what you mean to say here is that the Double- and Triple-click events are not treated the same as the ButtonDown event in the sense that ButtonDown always marks the event as handled, where as Double- and Triple-click do not. If this is the case, then I would agree this inconsistency should be corrected - double or triple (or any form of) clicking on a window (even if nothing happens) should return true from the System::inject* methods - this can essentially be translated to activating the window (even if it is already active). To put it another way, this ensures that click-events do not 'pass-through' the window when pass-through is disabled. I think this is a bug - hopefully CE will see it that way as well.

2).Whether onMouseButtonDown will be fired before onMouseDoubleClicked or onMouseTripleClicked?

By default, yes. If you have wantsMultiClickEvents enabled, no - note however this requires that you inject the double- and triple-click events yourself via injectMouseButtonDoubleClick/injectMouseButtonTripleClick. You can find more on this discussion by searching the forums (as you did before posting, right?):

Re: Problem about onMouseDoubleClicked

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 09:22
by CrazyEddie
Jamarr wrote:I assume what you mean to say here is that the Double- and Triple-click events are not treated the same as the ButtonDown event in the sense that ButtonDown always marks the event as handled, where as Double- and Triple-click do not. If this is the case, then I would agree this inconsistency should be corrected - double or triple (or any form of) clicking on a window (even if nothing happens) should return true from the System::inject* methods - this can essentially be translated to activating the window (even if it is already active). To put it another way, this ensures that click-events do not 'pass-through' the window when pass-through is disabled. I think this is a bug - hopefully CE will see it that way as well.

I'll add the injectMouseButtonDown return inconsistency to mantis as a bug.