[Solved] Help to reuse CEGUI classes
Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 19:10
I'm creating own classes to handle objects loading from XML. And I decided to reuse CEGUI classes XMLAttributes, XMLHandler, XMLParser, XMLSerializer, NamedXMLResourceManager. To simplify task I have copied CEGUIImage.h, CEGUIImage.cpp, CEGUIImageset.h, CEGUIImageset.cpp, CEGUIImageset_xmlHandler.h, CEGUIImageset_xmlHandler.cpp, CEGUIImagesetManager.h, CEGUIImagesetManager.cpp to my src dir as a base for my own classes and started to adapt using Ctrl-H. But I get complier errors.
1> PGOperatorset_xmlHandler.cpp
1>c:\users\myuser\my documents\visual studio 2010\projects\procgen\src\PGOperatorset.hpp(36): error C2065: Operator: undefined identifier
Code: Select all
#ifndef _PGOperator_hpp_
#define _PGOperator_hpp_
#include "CEGUIBase.h"
#include "CEGUIString.h"
#include "CEGUIRect.h"
#include "CEGUIColourRect.h"
#include "CEGUIVector.h"
#include "CEGUISize.h"
#include "CEGUIRenderer.h"
#include "CEGUIXMLSerializer.h"
#include "PGOperatorset.hpp"
#include <map>
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
# pragma warning(push)
# pragma warning(disable : 4251)
// Start of ProcGen namespace section
namespace ProcGen
Class that represents a single Operator of an Operatorset.
class Operator
Return a CEGUI::Size object containing the dimensions of the Image.
CEGUI::Size object holding the width and height of the Image.
CEGUI::Size getSize(void) const {return CEGUI::Size(d_scaledWidth, d_scaledHeight);}
Return the pixel width of the image.
Width of this Image in pixels.
float getWidth(void) const {return d_scaledWidth;}
Return the pixel height of the image.
Height of this Image in pixels
float getHeight(void) const {return d_scaledHeight;}
Return a CEGUI::Point object that contains the offset applied when rendering this Image
CEGUI::Point object containing the offsets applied when rendering this Image
CEGUI::Point getOffsets(void) const {return d_scaledOffset;}
Return the X rendering offset
X rendering offset. This is the number of pixels that the image is offset by when rendering at any given location.
float getOffsetX(void) const {return d_scaledOffset.d_x;}
Return the Y rendering offset
Y rendering offset. This is the number of pixels that the image is offset by when rendering at any given location.
float getOffsetY(void) const {return d_scaledOffset.d_y;}
Return the name of this Image object.
CEGUI::String object containing the name of this Image
const CEGUI::String& getName(void) const;
Return the name of the Operatorset that contains this Image
CEGUI::String object containing the name of the Operatorset which this Image is a part of.
const CEGUI::String& getOperatorsetName(void) const;
Return the parent Operatorset object that contains this Image
The parent Operatorset object.
const Operatorset* getOperatorset(void) const {return d_owner;}
Return CEGUI::Rect describing the source texture area used by this Image.
CEGUI::Rect object that describes, in pixels, the area upon the source texture
which is used when rendering this Image.
const CEGUI::Rect& getSourceTextureArea(void) const;
Queue the image to be drawn.
The final position of the Image will be adjusted by the offset values
defined for this Image object. If absolute positioning is essential
then these values should be taken into account prior to calling the
draw() methods. However, by doing this you take away the ability of the
Operatorset designer to adjust the alignment and positioning of Images,
therefore your component is far less useful since it requires code
changes to modify image positioning that could have been handled from a
data file.
\param buffer
GeometryBuffer object where the geometry for the image will be queued.
\param position
CEGUI::Vector2 object containing the location where the Image is to be drawn
\param size
CEGUI::Size object describing the size that the Image is to be drawn at.
\param clip_rect
CEGUI::Rect object that defines an on-screen area that the Image will be
clipped to when drawing.
\param top_left_colour
Colour to be applied to the top-left corner of the Image.
\param top_right_colour
Colour to be applied to the top-right corner of the Image.
\param bottom_left_colour
Colour to be applied to the bottom-left corner of the Image.
\param bottom_right_colour
Colour to be applied to the bottom-right corner of the Image.
\param quad_split_mode
One of the CEGUI::QuadSplitMode values specifying the way the quad geometry for
the image is to be split into triangles.
void draw(CEGUI::GeometryBuffer& buffer, const CEGUI::Vector2& position, const CEGUI::Size& size,
const CEGUI::Rect* clip_rect,
const CEGUI::colour& top_left_colour = 0xFFFFFFFF,
const CEGUI::colour& top_right_colour = 0xFFFFFFFF,
const CEGUI::colour& bottom_left_colour = 0xFFFFFFFF,
const CEGUI::colour& bottom_right_colour = 0xFFFFFFFF,
CEGUI::QuadSplitMode quad_split_mode = CEGUI::TopLeftToBottomRight) const
draw(buffer, CEGUI::Rect(position.d_x, position.d_y,
position.d_x + size.d_width,
position.d_y + size.d_height),
CEGUI::ColourRect(top_left_colour, top_right_colour, bottom_left_colour,
Queue the image to be drawn.
The final position of the Image will be adjusted by the offset values
defined for this Image object. If absolute positioning is essential
then these values should be taken into account prior to calling the
draw() methods. However, by doing this you take away the ability of the
Operatorset designer to adjust the alignment and positioning of Images,
therefore your component is far less useful since it requires code
changes to modify image positioning that could have been handled from a
data file.
\param buffer
GeometryBuffer object where the geometry for the image will be queued.
\param dest_rect
CEGUI::Rect object defining the area on-screen where the Image is to be drawn.
The Image will be scaled to fill the area as required.
\param clip_rect
CEGUI::Rect object that defines an on-screen area that the Image will be
clipped to when drawing.
\param top_left_colour
Colour to be applied to the top-left corner of the Image.
\param top_right_colour
Colour to be applied to the top-right corner of the Image.
\param bottom_left_colour
Colour to be applied to the bottom-left corner of the Image.
\param bottom_right_colour
Colour to be applied to the bottom-right corner of the Image.
\param quad_split_mode
One of the CEGUI::QuadSplitMode values specifying the way the quad geometry for
the image is to be split into triangles.
void draw(CEGUI::GeometryBuffer& buffer, const CEGUI::Rect& dest_rect,
const CEGUI::Rect* clip_rect,
const CEGUI::colour& top_left_colour = 0xFFFFFFFF,
const CEGUI::colour& top_right_colour = 0xFFFFFFFF,
const CEGUI::colour& bottom_left_colour = 0xFFFFFFFF,
const CEGUI::colour& bottom_right_colour = 0xFFFFFFFF,
CEGUI::QuadSplitMode quad_split_mode = CEGUI::TopLeftToBottomRight) const
draw(buffer, dest_rect, clip_rect,
CEGUI::ColourRect(top_left_colour, top_right_colour,
bottom_left_colour, bottom_right_colour),
Queue the image to be drawn.
The final position of the Image will be adjusted by the offset values
defined for this Image object. If absolute positioning is essential
then these values should be taken into account prior to calling the
draw() methods. However, by doing this you take away the ability of the
Operatorset designer to adjust the alignment and positioning of Images,
therefore your component is far less useful since it requires code
changes to modify image positioning that could have been handled from a
data file.
\param buffer
GeometryBuffer object where the geometry for the image will be queued.
\param position
CEGUI::Vector2 object containing the location where the Image is to be drawn.
\param size
CEGUI::Size object describing the size that the Image is to be drawn at.
\param clip_rect
CEGUI::Rect object that defines an on-screen area that the Image will be
clipped to when drawing.
\param colours
CEGUI::ColourRect object that describes the colour values to use for each
corner of the Image.
\param quad_split_mode
One of the CEGUI::QuadSplitMode values specifying the way the quad geometry for
the image is to be split into triangles.
void draw(CEGUI::GeometryBuffer& buffer, const CEGUI::Vector2& position, const CEGUI::Size& size,
const CEGUI::Rect* clip_rect, const CEGUI::ColourRect& colours,
CEGUI::QuadSplitMode quad_split_mode = CEGUI::TopLeftToBottomRight) const
draw(buffer, CEGUI::Rect(position.d_x, position.d_y,
position.d_x + size.d_width,
position.d_y + size.d_height),
clip_rect, colours, quad_split_mode);
Queue the image to be drawn.
The final position of the Image will be adjusted by the offset values
defined for this Image object. If absolute positioning is essential
then these values should be taken into account prior to calling the
draw() methods. However, by doing this you take away the ability of the
Operatorset designer to adjust the alignment and positioning of Images,
therefore your component is far less useful since it requires code
changes to modify image positioning that could have been handled from a
data file.
\param buffer
GeometryBuffer object where the geometry for the image will be queued.
\param position
CEGUI::Vector2 object containing the location where the Image is to be drawn
The image will be drawn at it's internally defined size.
\param clip_rect
CEGUI::Rect object that defines an on-screen area that the Image will be
clipped to when drawing.
\param colours
CEGUI::ColourRect object that describes the colour values to use for each
corner of the Image.
\param quad_split_mode
One of the CEGUI::QuadSplitMode values specifying the way the quad geometry for
the image is to be split into triangles.
void draw(CEGUI::GeometryBuffer& buffer, const CEGUI::Vector2& position,
const CEGUI::Rect* clip_rect, const CEGUI::ColourRect& colours,
CEGUI::QuadSplitMode quad_split_mode = CEGUI::TopLeftToBottomRight) const
draw(buffer, CEGUI::Rect(position.d_x, position.d_y,
position.d_x + getWidth(),
position.d_y + getHeight()),
clip_rect, colours, quad_split_mode);
Queue the image to be drawn.
The final position of the Image will be adjusted by the offset values
defined for this Image object. If absolute positioning is essential
then these values should be taken into account prior to calling the
draw() methods. However, by doing this you take away the ability of the
Operatorset designer to adjust the alignment and positioning of Images,
therefore your component is far less useful since it requires code
changes to modify image positioning that could have been handled from a
data file.
\param buffer
GeometryBuffer object where the geometry for the image will be queued.
\param position
CEGUI::Vector2 object containing the location where the Image is to be drawn
\param clip_rect
CEGUI::Rect object that defines an on-screen area that the Image will be
clipped to when drawing.
\param top_left_colour
Colour to be applied to the top-left corner of the Image.
\param top_right_colour
Colour to be applied to the top-right corner of the Image.
\param bottom_left_colour
Colour to be applied to the bottom-left corner of the Image.
\param bottom_right_colour
Colour to be applied to the bottom-right corner of the Image.
\param quad_split_mode
One of the CEGUI::QuadSplitMode values specifying the way the quad geometry for
the image is to be split into triangles.
void draw(CEGUI::GeometryBuffer& buffer, const CEGUI::Vector2& position,
const CEGUI::Rect* clip_rect,
const CEGUI::colour& top_left_colour = 0xFFFFFFFF,
const CEGUI::colour& top_right_colour = 0xFFFFFFFF,
const CEGUI::colour& bottom_left_colour = 0xFFFFFFFF,
const CEGUI::colour& bottom_right_colour = 0xFFFFFFFF,
CEGUI::QuadSplitMode quad_split_mode = CEGUI::TopLeftToBottomRight) const
draw(buffer, CEGUI::Rect(position.d_x, position.d_y,
position.d_x + getWidth(),
position.d_y + getHeight()),
CEGUI::ColourRect(top_left_colour, top_right_colour,
bottom_left_colour, bottom_right_colour),
Queue the image to be drawn.
The final position of the Image will be adjusted by the offset values
defined for this Image object. If absolute positioning is essential
then these values should be taken into account prior to calling the
draw() methods. However, by doing this you take away the ability of the
Operatorset designer to adjust the alignment and positioning of Images,
therefore your component is far less useful since it requires code
changes to modify image positioning that could have been handled from a
data file.
\param buffer
GeometryBuffer object where the geometry for the image will be queued.
\param dest_rect
CEGUI::Rect object defining the area on-screen where the Image is to be drawn.
The Image will be scaled to fill the area as required.
\param clip_rect
CEGUI::Rect object that defines an on-screen area that the Image will be
clipped to when drawing.
\param colours
CEGUI::ColourRect object that describes the colour values to use for each
corner of the Image.
\param quad_split_mode
One of the CEGUI::QuadSplitMode values specifying the way the quad geometry for
the image is to be split into triangles.
void draw(CEGUI::GeometryBuffer& buffer, const CEGUI::Rect& dest_rect,
const CEGUI::Rect* clip_rect, const CEGUI::ColourRect& colours,
CEGUI::QuadSplitMode quad_split_mode = CEGUI::TopLeftToBottomRight) const;
Writes an xml representation of this Image object to \a out_stream.
\param xml_stream
Stream where xml data should be output.
void writeXMLToStream(CEGUI::XMLSerializer& xml_stream) const;
friend class std::map<CEGUI::String, Operator, CEGUI::String::FastLessCompare>;
friend struct std::pair<const CEGUI::String, Operator>;
Construction and Destruction
Default constructor (only used by std::map)
Operator(void) {}
Constructor for Image objects. This is not normally used directly by client code, use the Operatorset interface instead.
\param owner
CEGUI::Pointer to a Operatorset object that owns this Image. This must not be NULL.
\param name
CEGUI::String object describing the name of the image being created.
\param area
Rect object describing an area that will be associated with this image.
\param render_offset
CEGUI::Point object that describes the offset to be applied when rendering this image.
\param horzScaling
float value indicating the initial horizontal scaling to be applied to this image.
\param vertScaling
float value indicating the initial vertical scaling to be applied to this image.
\exception NullObjectException Thrown if \a owner was NULL.
Operator(const Operatorset* owner, const CEGUI::String& name, const CEGUI::Rect& area, const CEGUI::Point& render_offset, float horzScaling = 1.0f, float vertScaling = 1.0f);
Copy constructor
Operator(const Operator& image);
Destructor for Image objects.
friend class Operatorset;
Implementation Methods
set the horizontal scaling factor to be applied to this Image
\param factor
float value describing the scaling factor required.
void setHorzScaling(float factor);
set the vertical scaling factor to be applied to this Image
\param factor
float value describing the scaling factor required.
void setVertScaling(float factor);
Implementation Data
const Operatorset* d_owner; //!< Link back to Operatorset that owns this image
Rect d_area; //!< CEGUI::Rect defining the area on the texture that makes up this image.
CEGUI::Point d_offset; //!< Offset to use when rendering
// image auto-scaling fields.
float d_scaledWidth; //!< scaled image width.
float d_scaledHeight; //!< scaled image height.
CEGUI::Point d_scaledOffset; //!< scaled rendering offset.
CEGUI::String d_name; //!< name of this image.
} // End of ProcGen namespace section
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
# pragma warning(pop)
#endif // end of guard _PGOperator_hpp_
Code: Select all
#include "PGOperator.hpp"
#include "CEGUIExceptions.h"
#include "CEGUITexture.h"
#include "PGOperatorset.hpp"
#include "CEGUIRenderer.h"
#include "CEGUIPropertyHelper.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#ifdef NullObjectException
#undef NullObjectException
#define NullObjectException(message) \
NullObjectException(message, __FILE__, __LINE__)
// Start of ProcGen namespace section
namespace ProcGen
Operator::Operator(const Operatorset* owner, const CEGUI::String& name, const CEGUI::Rect& area, const CEGUI::Point& render_offset, float horzScaling, float vertScaling) :
if (!d_owner)
CEGUI_THROW(NullObjectException("Operator::Image - Operatorset pointer passed to Image constructor must be valid."));
// setup initial image scaling
// TODO: if we ever store texture co-ordinates, they should be calculated here.
Copy constructor
Operator::Operator(const Operator& image) :
set the horizontal scaling factor to be applied to this Image
void Operator::setHorzScaling(float factor)
d_scaledWidth = PixelAligned(d_area.getWidth() * factor);
d_scaledOffset.d_x = PixelAligned(d_offset.d_x * factor);
set the vertical scaling factor to be applied to this Image
void Operator::setVertScaling(float factor)
d_scaledHeight = PixelAligned(d_area.getHeight() * factor);
d_scaledOffset.d_y = PixelAligned(d_offset.d_y * factor);
Clip and then queue the image to be rendered.
void Operator::draw(CEGUI::GeometryBuffer& buffer, const CEGUI::Rect& dest_rect,
const CEGUI::Rect* clip_rect, const CEGUI::ColourRect& colours,
CEGUI::QuadSplitMode quad_split_mode) const
CEGUI::Rect dest(dest_rect);
// apply rendering offset to the destination CEGUI::Rect
// draw
d_owner->draw(buffer, d_area, dest, clip_rect, colours, quad_split_mode);
CEGUI::String object containing the name of this Image
const CEGUI::String& Operator::getName(void) const
return d_name;
Return the name of the Operatorset that contains this Image
const CEGUI::String& Operator::getOperatorsetName(void) const
return d_owner->getName();
Return CEGUI::Rect describing the source texture area used by this Image.
const CEGUI::Rect& Operator::getSourceTextureArea(void) const
return d_area;
Output XML <Image ... > element for this image
void Operator::writeXMLToStream(CEGUI::XMLSerializer& xml_stream) const
.attribute("Name", d_name)
.attribute("XPos", CEGUI::PropertyHelper::uintToString(static_cast<CEGUI::uint>(d_area.d_left)))
.attribute("YPos", CEGUI::PropertyHelper::uintToString(static_cast<CEGUI::uint>(d_area.d_top)))
.attribute("Width", CEGUI::PropertyHelper::uintToString(static_cast<CEGUI::uint>(d_area.getWidth())))
.attribute("Height", CEGUI::PropertyHelper::uintToString(static_cast<CEGUI::uint>(d_area.getHeight())));
if (d_offset.d_x != 0.0f)
xml_stream.attribute("XOffset", CEGUI::PropertyHelper::intToString(static_cast<int>(d_offset.d_x)));
if (d_offset.d_y != 0.0f)
xml_stream.attribute("YOffset", CEGUI::PropertyHelper::intToString(static_cast<int>(d_offset.d_x)));
} // End of ProcGen namespace section
Code: Select all
#ifndef _PGOperatorset_hpp_
#define _PGOperatorset_hpp_
#include "PGOperator.hpp"
#include "PGOperatorsetManager.hpp"
#include "CEGUIBase.h"
#include "CEGUIString.h"
#include "CEGUIRect.h"
#include "CEGUIColourRect.h"
#include "CEGUIIteratorBase.h"
#include "CEGUIXMLSerializer.h"
#include <map>
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
# pragma warning(push)
# pragma warning(disable : 4251)
// Start of ProcGen namespace section
namespace ProcGen
Offers functions to define, access, and draw, a set of image components on a single graphical surface or Texture.
Operatorset objects are a means by which a single graphical image (file, Texture, etc), can be split into a number
of 'components' which can later be accessed via name. The components of an Operatorset can queried for
various details, and sent to the Renderer object for drawing.
class Operatorset
typedef std::map<CEGUI::String, Operator, CEGUI::String::FastLessCompare> OperatorRegistry;
Construct a new Operatorset object. Object will initially have no Images defined
\param texture
Texture object that holds the imagery for the Operatorset being created.
Operatorset(const CEGUI::String& name, CEGUI::Texture& texture);
Construct a new Operatorset using the specified image file and operatorset name. The created
operatorset will, by default, have a single Image defined named "full_image" which represents
the entire area of the loaded image file.
Under certain renderers it may be required that the source image dimensions be some
power of 2, if this condition is not met then stretching and other undesired side-effects
may be experienced. To be safe from such effects it is generally recommended that all
images that you load have dimensions that are some power of 2.
\param name
CEGUI::String object holding the name to be assigned to the created operatorset.
\param filename
CEGUI::String object holding the filename of the image that is to be loaded. The image should be
of some format that is supported by the Renderer that is in use.
\param resourceGroup
Resource group identifier to be passed to the resource manager, which may specify a group
from which the image file is to be loaded.
\exception FileIOException thrown if something goes wrong while loading the image.
Operatorset(const CEGUI::String& name, const CEGUI::String& filename, const CEGUI::String& resourceGroup);
Destroys Operatorset objects
typedef CEGUI::ConstBaseIterator<OperatorRegistry> ImageIterator; //!< Iterator type for this collection
Public interface
return Texture object for this Operatorset
Texture object that holds the imagery for this Operatorset
CEGUI::Texture* getTexture(void) const {return d_texture;}
return CEGUI::String object holding the name of the Operatorset
CEGUI::String object that holds the name of the Operatorset.
const CEGUI::String& getName(void) const {return d_name;}
return number of images defined for this Operatorset
CEGUI::uint value equal to the number of Image objects defined for the Operatorset
CEGUI::uint getImageCount(void) const {return (CEGUI::uint)d_images.size();}
return true if an Image with the specified name exists.
\param name
CEGUI::String object holding the name of the Image to look for.
true if an Image object named \a name is defined for this Operatorset, else false.
bool isImageDefined(const CEGUI::String& name) const {return d_images.find(name) != d_images.end();}
return a copy of the Image object for the named image
\param name
CEGUI::String object holding the name of the Image object to be returned
constant Image object that has the requested name.
\exception UnknownObjectException thrown if no Image named \a name is defined for the Operatorset
const Operator& getOperator(const CEGUI::String& name) const;
remove the definition for the Image with the specified name. If no such Image exists, nothing happens.
\param name
CEGUI::String object holding the name of the Image object to be removed from the Operatorset,
void undefineOperator(const CEGUI::String& name);
Removes the definitions for all Image objects currently defined in the Operatorset
void undefineAllImages(void);
return a CEGUI::Size object describing the dimensions of the named image.
\param name
CEGUI::String object holding the name of the Image.
CEGUI::Size object holding the dimensions of the requested Image.
\exception UnknownObjectException thrown if no Image named \a name is defined for the Operatorset
CEGUI::Size getOperatorSize(const CEGUI::String& name) const {return getOperator(name).getSize();}
return the width of the named image.
\param name
CEGUI::String object holding the name of the Image.
float value equalling the width of the requested Image.
\exception UnknownObjectException thrown if no Image named \a name is defined for the Operatorset
float getImageWidth(const CEGUI::String& name) const {return getOperator(name).getWidth();}
return the height of the named image.
\param name
CEGUI::String object holding the name of the Image.
float value equalling the height of the requested Image.
\exception UnknownObjectException thrown if no Image named \a name is defined for the Operatorset
float getImageHeight(const CEGUI::String& name) const {return getOperator(name).getHeight();}
return the rendering offsets applied to the named image.
\param name
CEGUI::String object holding the name of the Image.
CEGUI::Point object that holds the rendering offsets for the requested Image.
\exception UnknownObjectException thrown if no Image named \a name is defined for the Operatorset
CEGUI::Point getImageOffset(const CEGUI::String& name) const {return getOperator(name).getOffsets();}
return the x rendering offset for the named image.
\param name
CEGUI::String object holding the name of the Image.
float value equal to the x rendering offset applied when drawing the requested Image.
\exception UnknownObjectException thrown if no Image named \a name is defined for the Operatorset
float getImageOffsetX(const CEGUI::String& name) const {return getOperator(name).getOffsetX();}
return the y rendering offset for the named image.
\param name
CEGUI::String object holding the name of the Image.
float value equal to the y rendering offset applied when drawing the requested Image.
\exception UnknownObjectException thrown if no Image named \a name is defined for the Operatorset
float getImageOffsetY(const CEGUI::String& name) const {return getOperator(name).getOffsetY();}
Define a new Image for this Operatorset
\param name
CEGUI::String object holding the name that will be assigned to the new Operator, which must be unique within the Operatorset.
\param position
CEGUI::Point object describing the pixel location of the Image on the image file / texture associated with this Operatorset.
\param size
CEGUI::Size object describing the dimensions of the Operator, in pixels.
\param render_offset
CEGUI::Point object describing the offsets, in pixels, that are to be applied to the Image when it is drawn.
\exception AlreadyExistsException thrown if an Image named \a name is already defined for this Operatorset
void defineOperator(const CEGUI::String& name, const CEGUI::Point& position, const CEGUI::Size& size, const CEGUI::Point& render_offset)
defineOperator(name, CEGUI::Rect(position.d_x, position.d_y, position.d_x + size.d_width, position.d_y + size.d_height), render_offset);
Define a new Image for this Operatorset
\param name
CEGUI::String object holding the name that will be assigned to the new Operator, which must be unique within the Operatorset.
\param image_rect
Rect object describing the area on the image file / texture associated with this Operatorset that will be used for the Image.
\param render_offset
CEGUI::Point object describing the offsets, in pixels, that are to be applied to the Image when it is drawn.
\exception AlreadyExistsException thrown if an Image named \a name is already defined for this Operatorset
void defineOperator(const CEGUI::String& name, const CEGUI::Rect& image_rect, const CEGUI::Point& render_offset);
Queues an area of the associated Texture the be drawn on the screen.
Low-level routine to be used carefully!
\param buffer
GeometryBuffer object where the geometry for the area to be drawn will
be queued.
\param source_rect
CEGUI::Rect object describing the area of the image file / texture that is to
be queued for drawing
\param dest_rect
CEGUI::Rect describing the area of the screen that will be filled with the
imagery from \a source_rect.
\param clip_rect
CEGUI::Rect object describing a 'clipping rectangle' that will be applied when
drawing the requested imagery
\param colours
CEGUI::ColourRect object holding the ARGB colours to be applied to the four
corners of the rendered imagery.
\param quad_split_mode
One of the CEGUI::QuadSplitMode values specifying the way the quad geometry for
the image is to be split into triangles.
void draw(CEGUI::GeometryBuffer& buffer, const CEGUI::Rect& source_rect,
const CEGUI::Rect& dest_rect, const CEGUI::Rect* clip_rect,
const CEGUI::ColourRect& colours, CEGUI::QuadSplitMode quad_split_mode) const;
Queues an area of the associated Texture the be drawn on the screen.
Low-level routine to be used carefully!
\param buffer
GeometryBuffer object where the geometry for the area to be drawn will
be queued.
\param source_rect
CEGUI::Rect object describing the area of the image file / texture that is to
be queued for drawing.
\param dest_rect
CEGUI::Rect describing the area of the screen that will be filled with the
imagery from \a source_rect.
\param clip_rect
CEGUI::Rect object describing a 'clipping rectangle' that will be applied when
drawing the requested imagery.
\param top_left_colour
colour to be applied to the top left corner of the rendered imagery.
\param top_right_colour
colour to be applied to the top right corner of the rendered imagery.
\param bottom_left_colour
colour to be applied to the bottom left corner of the rendered imagery.
\param bottom_right_colour
colour to be applied to the bottom right corner of the rendered imagery.
\param quad_split_mode
One of the CEGUI::QuadSplitMode values specifying the way the quad geometry for
the image is to be split into triangles.
void draw(CEGUI::GeometryBuffer& buffer, const CEGUI::Rect& source_rect,
const CEGUI::Rect& dest_rect, const CEGUI::Rect* clip_rect,
const CEGUI::colour& top_left_colour = 0xFFFFFFFF,
const CEGUI::colour& top_right_colour = 0xFFFFFFFF,
const CEGUI::colour& bottom_left_colour = 0xFFFFFFFF,
const CEGUI::colour& bottom_right_colour = 0xFFFFFFFF,
CEGUI::QuadSplitMode quad_split_mode = CEGUI::TopLeftToBottomRight) const
draw(buffer, source_rect, dest_rect, clip_rect,
CEGUI::ColourRect(top_left_colour, top_right_colour,
bottom_left_colour, bottom_right_colour),
Return whether this Operatorset is auto-scaled.
true if Operatorset is auto-scaled, false if not.
bool isAutoScaled(void) const {return d_autoScale;}
Return the native display size for this Operatorset. This is only relevant if the Operatorset is being auto-scaled.
CEGUI::Size object describing the native display size for this Operatorset.
CEGUI::Size getNativeResolution(void) const {return CEGUI::Size(d_nativeHorzRes, d_nativeVertRes);}
Enable or disable auto-scaling for this Operatorset.
\param setting
true to enable auto-scaling, false to disable auto-scaling.
void setAutoScalingEnabled(bool setting);
Set the native resolution for this Operatorset
\param size
CEGUI::Size object describing the new native screen resolution for this Operatorset.
void setNativeResolution(const CEGUI::Size& size);
Notify the Operatorset that the display size may have changed.
\param size
CEGUI::Size object describing the display resolution
void notifyDisplaySizeChanged(const CEGUI::Size& size);
Return an Operatorset::ImageIterator object that can be used to iterate over the Image objects in the Operatorset.
ImageIterator getIterator(void) const;
Writes an xml representation of this Operatorset to \a out_stream.
\param out_stream
Stream where xml data should be output.
\param indentLevel
Current XML indentation level
void writeXMLToStream(CEGUI::XMLSerializer& xml_stream) const;
Sets the default resource group to be used when loading operatorset data
\param resourceGroup
CEGUI::String describing the default resource group identifier to be used.
static void setDefaultResourceGroup(const CEGUI::String& resourceGroup)
{ d_defaultResourceGroup = resourceGroup; }
Returns the default resource group currently set for Operatorsets.
CEGUI::String describing the default resource group identifier that will be
used when loading Operatorset data.
static const CEGUI::String& getDefaultResourceGroup()
{ return d_defaultResourceGroup; }
Implementation Functions
Unloads all loaded data and leaves the Operatorset in a clean (but un-usable) state. This should be called for cleanup purposes only.
void unload(void);
set the Texture object to be used by this Operatorset. Changing textures on an Operatorset that is in use is not a good idea!
\param texture
Texture object to be used by the Operatorset. The old texture is NOT disposed of, that is the clients responsibility.
\exception NullObjectException thrown if \a texture is NULL
void setTexture(CEGUI::Texture* texture);
Sets the scaling factor for all Images that are a part of this Operatorset.
void updateImageScalingFactors(void);
Implementation Data
CEGUI::String d_name; //!< Holds the name of this operatorset.
OperatorRegistry d_images; //!< Registry of Image objects for the images defined for this Operatorset
CEGUI::Texture* d_texture; //!< Texture object that handles imagery for this Operatorset
CEGUI::String d_textureFilename; //!< CEGUI::String holding the name of the texture filename (if any).
// auto-scaling fields
bool d_autoScale; //!< true when auto-scaling is enabled.
float d_horzScaling; //!< current horizontal scaling factor.
float d_vertScaling; //!< current vertical scaling factor.
float d_nativeHorzRes; //!< native horizontal resolution for this Operatorset.
float d_nativeVertRes; //!< native vertical resolution for this Operatorset.
static CEGUI::String d_defaultResourceGroup; //!< Default resource group specifically for Operatorsets.
} // End of ProcGen namespace section
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
# pragma warning(pop)
#endif // end of guard _PGOperatorset_hpp_
Code: Select all
#include "PGOperatorset.hpp"
#include "CEGUIExceptions.h"
#include "CEGUITexture.h"
#include "CEGUIRenderer.h"
#include "CEGUISystem.h"
#include "PGOperatorset_xmlHandler.hpp"
#include "CEGUILogger.h"
#include "CEGUIDataContainer.h"
#include "CEGUIXMLParser.h"
#include "CEGUIXMLSerializer.h"
#include "CEGUIPropertyHelper.h"
#include "CEGUIGeometryBuffer.h"
#include "CEGUIVertex.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#ifdef NullObjectException
#undef NullObjectException
#define NullObjectException(message) \
CEGUI::NullObjectException(message, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#ifdef UnknownObjectException
#undef UnknownObjectException
#define UnknownObjectException(message) \
CEGUI::UnknownObjectException(message, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#ifdef AlreadyExistsException
#undef AlreadyExistsException
#define AlreadyExistsException(message) \
CEGUI::AlreadyExistsException(message, __FILE__, __LINE__)
// Start of ProcGen namespace section
namespace ProcGen
Definition of static /const data for Operatorset (and sub-classes)
// Declared in Operatorset
String Operatorset::d_defaultResourceGroup;
Operatorset::Operatorset(const CEGUI::String& name, CEGUI::Texture& texture) :
if (!d_texture)
CEGUI_THROW(NullObjectException("Operatorset::Operatorset - Texture object supplied for Operatorset creation must be valid."));
// defaults for scaling options
d_autoScale = false;
setNativeResolution(CEGUI::Size(CEGUI::DefaultNativeHorzRes, CEGUI::DefaultNativeVertRes));
Operatorset::Operatorset(const CEGUI::String& name, const CEGUI::String& filename, const CEGUI::String& resourceGroup) :
// try to load the image file using the renderer
d_texture =
resourceGroup.empty() ? d_defaultResourceGroup : resourceGroup);
// store texture filename
d_textureFilename = filename;
// TODO: Should we store the resource group too?
// initialse the auto-scaling for this Operatorset
d_autoScale = true;
// define the default image for this Operatorset
CEGUI::Rect(0, 0,
CEGUI::Point(0, 0)
Set texture for use by this operatorset object
void Operatorset::setTexture(CEGUI::Texture* texture)
if (!d_texture)
CEGUI_THROW(NullObjectException("Operatorset::setTexture - Texture object supplied for Operatorset creation must be valid."));
d_texture = texture;
return the Image object for the named image
const Operator& Operatorset::getOperator(const CEGUI::String& name) const
OperatorRegistry::const_iterator pos = d_images.find(name);
if (pos == d_images.end())
CEGUI_THROW(UnknownObjectException("Operatorset::getImage - The Image named '" + name + "' could not be found in Operatorset '" + d_name + "'."));
return pos->second;
defines a new Image.
void Operatorset::defineOperator(const CEGUI::String& name, const CEGUI::Rect& image_rect, const CEGUI::Point& render_offset)
if (isImageDefined(name))
CEGUI_THROW(AlreadyExistsException("Operatorset::defineImage - An image with the name '" + name + "' already exists in Operatorset '" + d_name + "'."));
// get scaling factors
float hscale = d_autoScale ? d_horzScaling : 1.0f;
float vscale = d_autoScale ? d_vertScaling : 1.0f;
// add the Image definition
d_images[name] = Operator(this, name, image_rect, render_offset, hscale, vscale);
CEGUI_LOGINSANE("Operator '" + name + "' has been defined for Operatorset '" + d_name + "'.")
Queues an area of the associated Texture the be drawn on the screen.
Low-level routine not normally used!
void Operatorset::draw(CEGUI::GeometryBuffer& buffer, const CEGUI::Rect& source_rect,
const CEGUI::Rect& dest_rect, const CEGUI::Rect* clip_rect,const CEGUI::ColourRect& colours,
CEGUI::QuadSplitMode quad_split_mode) const
// get the rect area that we will actually draw to (i.e. perform clipping)
CEGUI::Rect final_rect(clip_rect ? dest_rect.getIntersection(*clip_rect) : dest_rect );
// check if rect was totally clipped
if ((final_rect.getWidth() == 0) || (final_rect.getHeight() == 0))
// Fix bug #45
// Obtain correct scale values from the texture
const float x_scale = d_texture->getTexelScaling().d_x;
const float y_scale = d_texture->getTexelScaling().d_y;
float tex_per_pix_x = source_rect.getWidth() / dest_rect.getWidth();
float tex_per_pix_y = source_rect.getHeight() / dest_rect.getHeight();
// calculate final, clipped, texture co-ordinates
CEGUI::Rect tex_rect((source_rect.d_left + ((final_rect.d_left - dest_rect.d_left) * tex_per_pix_x)) * x_scale,
(source_rect.d_top + ((final_rect.d_top - dest_rect.d_top) * tex_per_pix_y)) * y_scale,
(source_rect.d_right + ((final_rect.d_right - dest_rect.d_right) * tex_per_pix_x)) * x_scale,
(source_rect.d_bottom + ((final_rect.d_bottom - dest_rect.d_bottom) * tex_per_pix_y)) * y_scale);
final_rect.d_left = PixelAligned(final_rect.d_left);
final_rect.d_right = PixelAligned(final_rect.d_right);
final_rect.d_top = PixelAligned(final_rect.d_top);
final_rect.d_bottom = PixelAligned(final_rect.d_bottom);
CEGUI::Vertex vbuffer[6];
// vertex 0
vbuffer[0].position = CEGUI::Vector3(final_rect.d_left, final_rect.d_top, 0.0f);
vbuffer[0].colour_val = colours.d_top_left;
vbuffer[0].tex_coords = CEGUI::Vector2(tex_rect.d_left, tex_rect.d_top);
// vertex 1
vbuffer[1].position = CEGUI::Vector3(final_rect.d_left, final_rect.d_bottom, 0.0f);
vbuffer[1].colour_val = colours.d_bottom_left;
vbuffer[1].tex_coords = CEGUI::Vector2(tex_rect.d_left, tex_rect.d_bottom);
// vertex 2
vbuffer[2].position.d_x = final_rect.d_right;
vbuffer[2].position.d_z = 0.0f;
vbuffer[2].colour_val = colours.d_bottom_right;
vbuffer[2].tex_coords.d_x = tex_rect.d_right;
// top-left to bottom-right diagonal
if (quad_split_mode == CEGUI::TopLeftToBottomRight)
vbuffer[2].position.d_y = final_rect.d_bottom;
vbuffer[2].tex_coords.d_y = tex_rect.d_bottom;
// bottom-left to top-right diagonal
vbuffer[2].position.d_y = final_rect.d_top;
vbuffer[2].tex_coords.d_y = tex_rect.d_top;
// vertex 3
vbuffer[3].position = CEGUI::Vector3(final_rect.d_right, final_rect.d_top, 0.0f);
vbuffer[3].colour_val = colours.d_top_right;
vbuffer[3].tex_coords = CEGUI::Vector2(tex_rect.d_right, tex_rect.d_top);
// vertex 4
vbuffer[4].position.d_x = final_rect.d_left;
vbuffer[4].position.d_z = 0.0f;
vbuffer[4].colour_val = colours.d_top_left;
vbuffer[4].tex_coords.d_x = tex_rect.d_left;
// top-left to bottom-right diagonal
if (quad_split_mode == CEGUI::TopLeftToBottomRight)
vbuffer[4].position.d_y = final_rect.d_top;
vbuffer[4].tex_coords.d_y = tex_rect.d_top;
// bottom-left to top-right diagonal
vbuffer[4].position.d_y = final_rect.d_bottom;
vbuffer[4].tex_coords.d_y = tex_rect.d_bottom;
// vertex 5
vbuffer[5].position = CEGUI::Vector3(final_rect.d_right, final_rect.d_bottom, 0.0f);
vbuffer[5].colour_val= colours.d_bottom_right;
vbuffer[5].tex_coords = CEGUI::Vector2(tex_rect.d_right, tex_rect.d_bottom);
// TODO: Remove cast when GeometryBuffer gets it's APIs fixed!
buffer.appendGeometry(vbuffer, 6);
Unload all data, leaving Operatorset in a clean (but unusable) state
void Operatorset::unload(void)
// cleanup texture
d_texture = 0;
Sets the scaling factor for all Images that are a part of this Operatorset.
void Operatorset::updateImageScalingFactors(void)
float hscale, vscale;
if (d_autoScale)
hscale = d_horzScaling;
vscale = d_vertScaling;
hscale = vscale = 1.0f;
OperatorRegistry::iterator pos = d_images.begin(), end = d_images.end();
for(; pos != end; ++pos)
Enable or disable auto-scaling for this Operatorset.
void Operatorset::setAutoScalingEnabled(bool setting)
if (setting != d_autoScale)
d_autoScale = setting;
Set the native resolution for this Operatorset
void Operatorset::setNativeResolution(const CEGUI::Size& size)
d_nativeHorzRes = size.d_width;
d_nativeVertRes = size.d_height;
// re-calculate scaling factors & notify images as required
Notify the Operatorset of the current (usually new) display resolution.
void Operatorset::notifyDisplaySizeChanged(const CEGUI::Size& size)
d_horzScaling = size.d_width / d_nativeHorzRes;
d_vertScaling = size.d_height / d_nativeVertRes;
if (d_autoScale)
void Operatorset::writeXMLToStream(CEGUI::XMLSerializer& xml_stream) const
// output Operatorset tag
.attribute("Name", d_name)
.attribute("Imagefile", d_textureFilename);
if (d_nativeHorzRes != CEGUI::DefaultNativeHorzRes)
if (d_nativeVertRes != CEGUI::DefaultNativeVertRes)
if (d_autoScale)
xml_stream.attribute("AutoScaled", "true");
// output images
ImageIterator image = getIterator();
while (!image.isAtEnd())
// output closing tag
Return an iterator object that can be used to iterate over the Image
objects in the Operatorset.
Operatorset::ImageIterator Operatorset::getIterator(void) const
return ImageIterator(d_images.begin(), d_images.end());
void Operatorset::undefineOperator(const CEGUI::String& name)
CEGUI_LOGINSANE("Operator '" + name + "' has been removed from Operatorset '" + d_name + "'.")
void Operatorset::undefineAllImages(void)
CEGUI_LOGINSANE("All images have been removed from Operatorset '" + d_name + "'.")
} // End of ProcGen namespace section
Code: Select all
#ifndef _PGOperatorset_xmlHandler_hpp_
#define _PGOperatorset_xmlHandler_hpp_
#include "CEGUIXMLHandler.h"
#include "CEGUIString.h"
#include "PGOperator.hpp"
#include "PGOperatorset.hpp"
// Start of ProcGen namespace section
namespace ProcGen
//! Class used to parse the Operatorset XML files to create Operatorset objects
class Operatorset_xmlHandler : public CEGUI::XMLHandler
//! Constructor.
Operatorset_xmlHandler(const CEGUI::String& filename, const CEGUI::String& resource_group);
//! Destructor.
//! Return string holding the name of the created Operatorset.
const CEGUI::String& getObjectName() const;
//! Return reference to the created Operatorset object.
Operatorset& getObject() const;
// CEGUI::XMLHandler overrides
void elementStart(const CEGUI::String& element, const CEGUI::XMLAttributes& attributes);
void elementEnd(const CEGUI::String& element);
//! Method that handles the opening Operatorset XML element.
void elementOperatorsetStart(const CEGUI::XMLAttributes& attributes);
//! Method that handles the Image XML element.
void elementImageStart(const CEGUI::XMLAttributes& attributes);
//! Method that handles the closing Operatorset XML element.
void elementOperatorsetEnd();
//! Filename of the XML schema used for validating Operatorset files.
static const CEGUI::String OperatorsetSchemaName;
//! Tag name for Operatorset elements.
static const CEGUI::String OperatorsetElement;
//! Tag name for Image elements.
static const CEGUI::String ImageElement;
//! Attribute name that stores the name of the Operatorset
static const CEGUI::String OperatorsetNameAttribute;
//! Attribute name that stores the filename for the image file.
static const CEGUI::String OperatorsetImageFileAttribute;
//! Attribute name that stores resource group used when loading image file.
static const CEGUI::String OperatorsetResourceGroupAttribute;
//! Attribute that stores 'native' horizontal resolution for the Operatorset.
static const CEGUI::String OperatorsetNativeHorzResAttribute;
//! Attribute that stores 'native' vertical resolution for the Operatorset.
static const CEGUI::String OperatorsetNativeVertResAttribute;
//! Attribute that specifies whether the Operatorset should be auto-scaled.
static const CEGUI::String OperatorsetAutoScaledAttribute;
//! Attribute name that stores the name of the new Image.
static const CEGUI::String ImageNameAttribute;
//! Attribute name that stores the x position of the new Image.
static const CEGUI::String ImageXPosAttribute;
//! Attribute name that stores the y position of the new Image.
static const CEGUI::String ImageYPosAttribute;
//! Attribute name that stores the width of the new Image.
static const CEGUI::String ImageWidthAttribute;
//! Attribute name that stores the height of the new Image.
static const CEGUI::String ImageHeightAttribute;
//! Attribute name that stores the x rendering offset of the new Image.
static const CEGUI::String ImageXOffsetAttribute;
//!< Attribute name that stores the y rendering offset of the new Image.
static const CEGUI::String ImageYOffsetAttribute;
//! CEGUI::Pointer to the Operatorset created.
Operatorset* d_operatorset;
//! inidcates whether client read the created object
mutable bool d_objectRead;
} // End of ProcGen namespace section
#endif // end of guard _PGOperatorset_xmlHandler_hpp_
Code: Select all
#include "PGOperatorset_xmlHandler.hpp"
#include "CEGUIExceptions.h"
#include "CEGUISystem.h"
#include "CEGUILogger.h"
#include "CEGUIXMLAttributes.h"
#include "CEGUIXMLParser.h"
#include "PGOperatorset.hpp"
#ifdef InvalidRequestException
#undef InvalidRequestException
#define InvalidRequestException(message) \
CEGUI::InvalidRequestException(message, __FILE__, __LINE__)
// Start of ProcGen namespace section
namespace ProcGen
const CEGUI::String Operatorset_xmlHandler::OperatorsetSchemaName("Operatorset.xsd");
const CEGUI::String Operatorset_xmlHandler::OperatorsetElement( "Operators" );
const CEGUI::String Operatorset_xmlHandler::ImageElement( "Operator" );
const CEGUI::String Operatorset_xmlHandler::OperatorsetImageFileAttribute( "Imagefile" );
const CEGUI::String Operatorset_xmlHandler::OperatorsetResourceGroupAttribute( "ResourceGroup" );
const CEGUI::String Operatorset_xmlHandler::OperatorsetNameAttribute( "Name" );
const CEGUI::String Operatorset_xmlHandler::OperatorsetNativeHorzResAttribute( "NativeHorzRes" );
const CEGUI::String Operatorset_xmlHandler::OperatorsetNativeVertResAttribute( "NativeVertRes" );
const CEGUI::String Operatorset_xmlHandler::OperatorsetAutoScaledAttribute( "AutoScaled" );
const CEGUI::String Operatorset_xmlHandler::ImageNameAttribute( "Name" );
const CEGUI::String Operatorset_xmlHandler::ImageXPosAttribute( "XPos" );
const CEGUI::String Operatorset_xmlHandler::ImageYPosAttribute( "YPos" );
const CEGUI::String Operatorset_xmlHandler::ImageWidthAttribute( "Width" );
const CEGUI::String Operatorset_xmlHandler::ImageHeightAttribute( "Height" );
const CEGUI::String Operatorset_xmlHandler::ImageXOffsetAttribute( "XOffset" );
const CEGUI::String Operatorset_xmlHandler::ImageYOffsetAttribute( "YOffset" );
Operatorset_xmlHandler::Operatorset_xmlHandler(const CEGUI::String& filename,
const CEGUI::String& resource_group) :
*this, filename, OperatorsetSchemaName,
resource_group.empty() ? Operatorset::getDefaultResourceGroup() :
if (!d_objectRead)
delete d_operatorset;
const CEGUI::String& Operatorset_xmlHandler::getObjectName() const
if (!d_operatorset)
CEGUI_THROW(InvalidRequestException("Operatorset_xmlHandler::getName: "
"Attempt to access null object."));
return d_operatorset->getName();
Operatorset& Operatorset_xmlHandler::getObject() const
if (!d_operatorset)
CEGUI_THROW(InvalidRequestException("Operatorset_xmlHandler::getObject: "
"Attempt to access null object."));
d_objectRead = true;
return *d_operatorset;
void Operatorset_xmlHandler::elementStart(const CEGUI::String& element,
const CEGUI::XMLAttributes& attributes)
// handle an Image element
if (element == ImageElement)
// handle root Operatorset element
else if (element == OperatorsetElement)
// anything else is a non-fatal error.
CEGUI::Logger::getSingleton().logEvent("Operatorset_xmlHandler::elementStart: "
"Unknown element encountered: <" + element + ">", CEGUI::Errors);
void Operatorset_xmlHandler::elementEnd(const CEGUI::String& element)
if (element == OperatorsetElement)
void Operatorset_xmlHandler::elementOperatorsetStart(const CEGUI::XMLAttributes& attributes)
// get name of the operatorset.
const CEGUI::String name(attributes.getValueAsString(OperatorsetNameAttribute));
// get texture image filename
const CEGUI::String filename(
// get resource group to use for image file.
const CEGUI::String resource_group(
CEGUI::Logger& logger(CEGUI::Logger::getSingleton());
logger.logEvent("Started creation of Operatorset from XML specification:");
logger.logEvent("---- CEGUI Operatorset name: " + name);
logger.logEvent("---- Source texture file: " + filename +
" in resource group: " +
(resource_group.empty() ? "(Default)" : resource_group));
// Create operatorset object from image file
d_operatorset = new Operatorset(name, filename, resource_group);
// set native resolution for operatorset
const float native_hres = static_cast<float>(
attributes.getValueAsInteger(OperatorsetNativeHorzResAttribute, 640));
const float native_vres = static_cast<float>(
attributes.getValueAsInteger(OperatorsetNativeVertResAttribute, 480));
d_operatorset->setNativeResolution(CEGUI::Size(native_hres, native_vres));
// set auto-scaling as needed
attributes.getValueAsBool(OperatorsetAutoScaledAttribute, false));
void Operatorset_xmlHandler::elementImageStart(const CEGUI::XMLAttributes& attributes)
if (!d_operatorset)
"Operatorset_xmlHandler::elementImageStart: "
"Attempt to access null object."));
const CEGUI::String name(attributes.getValueAsString(ImageNameAttribute));
CEGUI::Rect rect;
rect.d_left =
rect.d_top =
const CEGUI::Point offset(
static_cast<float>(attributes.getValueAsInteger(ImageXOffsetAttribute, 0)),
static_cast<float>(attributes.getValueAsInteger(ImageYOffsetAttribute, 0)));
d_operatorset->defineOperator(name, rect, offset);
void Operatorset_xmlHandler::elementOperatorsetEnd()
if (!d_operatorset)
"Operatorset_xmlHandler::elementOperatorsetEnd: "
"Attempt to access null object."));
char addr_buff[32];
sprintf(addr_buff, "(%p)", static_cast<void*>(d_operatorset));
CEGUI::Logger::getSingleton().logEvent("Finished creation of Operatorset '" +
d_operatorset->getName() + "' via XML file. " + addr_buff, CEGUI::Informative);
} // End of ProcGen namespace section
Code: Select all
#ifndef _PGOperatorsetManager_hpp_
#define _PGOperatorsetManager_hpp_
#include "PGOperatorset.hpp"
#include "PGOperatorset_xmlHandler.hpp"
#include "CEGUIBase.h"
#include "CEGUISingleton.h"
#include "CEGUINamedXMLResourceManager.h"
#include "CEGUIIteratorBase.h"
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
# pragma warning(push)
# pragma warning(disable : 4275)
# pragma warning(disable : 4251)
// Start of ProcGen namespace section
namespace ProcGen
class Operatorset;
class Operatorset_xmlHandler;
Class providing a shared library of Operatorset objects to the system.
The OperatorsetManager is used to create, access, and destroy Operatorset objects.
The idea is that the OperatorsetManager will function as a central repository
for imagery used within the GUI system, and that such imagery can be
accessed, via a unique name, by any interested party within the system.
class OperatorsetManager :
public CEGUI::Singleton<ProcGen::OperatorsetManager>,
public CEGUI::NamedXMLResourceManager<ProcGen::Operatorset, ProcGen::Operatorset_xmlHandler>
//! Constructor for OperatorsetManager objects
//! Destructor for OperatorsetManager objects
Create a Operatorset object with the given name and Texture
The created Operatorset will be of limited use, and will require one or
more images to be defined for the set.
\param name
CEGUI::String object containing the unique name for the Operatorset being created.
\param texture
Texture object to be associated with the Operatorset
\param action
One of the CEGUI::XMLResourceExistsAction enumerated values indicating what
action should be taken when an Operatorset with the specified name
already exists.
Reference to the newly created Operatorset object
\exception AlreadyExistsException
thrown if an Operatorset named \a name is already present in the system.
Operatorset& create(const CEGUI::String& name, CEGUI::Texture& texture,
CEGUI::XMLResourceExistsAction action = CEGUI::XREA_RETURN);
Create an Operatorset object from the specified image file. The Operatorset
will initially have a single image defined named "full_image" which is
an image that represents the entire area of the loaded image.
\param name
CEGUI::String object containing the unique name for the Operatorset being created.
\param filename
CEGUI::String object holding the name of the image file to be loaded.
\param resourceGroup
Resource group identifier to be passed to the resource manager when
loading the image file.
\param action
One of the CEGUI::XMLResourceExistsAction enumerated values indicating what
action should be taken when an Operatorset with the specified name
already exists.
Reference to the newly created Operatorset object
\exception AlreadyExistsException
thrown if an Operatorset named \a name is already present in the system.
\exception FileIOException
thrown if something goes wrong while reading the image file \a filename.
Operatorset& createFromImageFile(const CEGUI::String& name, const CEGUI::String& filename,
const CEGUI::String& resourceGroup = "",
CEGUI::XMLResourceExistsAction action = CEGUI::XREA_RETURN);
Notify the OperatorsetManager that the display size may have changed.
\param size
CEGUI::Size object describing the display resolution
void notifyDisplaySizeChanged(const CEGUI::Size& size);
Writes a full XML operatorset for the specified Operatorset to the given
\param operatorset
CEGUI::String holding the name of the Operatorset to be written to the stream.
\param out_stream
CEGUI::OutStream (std::ostream based) object where data is to be sent.
void writeOperatorsetToStream(const CEGUI::String& operatorset,
CEGUI::OutStream& out_stream) const;
//! OperatorsetIterator type definition.
typedef CEGUI::ConstBaseIterator<ObjectRegistry> OperatorsetIterator;
Return a OperatorsetManager::OperatorsetIterator object to iterate over the
available Operatorset objects.
OperatorsetIterator getIterator() const;
// ensure we see overloads from template base class
using CEGUI::NamedXMLResourceManager<Operatorset, Operatorset_xmlHandler>::create;
} // End of ProcGen namespace section
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
# pragma warning(pop)
#endif // end of guard _PGOperatorsetManager_hpp_
Code: Select all
#include "PGOperatorsetManager.hpp"
#include "CEGUIExceptions.h"
#include "CEGUILogger.h"
// Start of ProcGen namespace section
namespace ProcGen
// singleton instance pointer
template<> OperatorsetManager* CEGUI::Singleton<OperatorsetManager>::ms_Singleton = 0;
OperatorsetManager::OperatorsetManager() :
CEGUI::NamedXMLResourceManager<Operatorset, Operatorset_xmlHandler>("Operators")
char addr_buff[32];
sprintf(addr_buff, "(%p)", static_cast<void*>(this));
"CEGUI::OperatorsetManager singleton created " + CEGUI::String(addr_buff));
"---- Begining cleanup of Operatorset system ----");
char addr_buff[32];
sprintf(addr_buff, "(%p)", static_cast<void*>(this));
"CEGUI::OperatorsetManager singleton destroyed " + CEGUI::String(addr_buff));
Operatorset& OperatorsetManager::create(const CEGUI::String& name, CEGUI::Texture& texture,
CEGUI::XMLResourceExistsAction action)
CEGUI::Logger::getSingleton().logEvent("Attempting to create Operatorset '" + name +
"' with texture only.");
// create new object ahead of time
Operatorset* object = new Operatorset(name, texture);
// return appropriate object instance (deleting any not required)
return doExistingObjectAction(name, object, action);;
Operatorset& OperatorsetManager::createFromImageFile(const CEGUI::String& name,
const CEGUI::String& filename,
const CEGUI::String& resourceGroup,
CEGUI::XMLResourceExistsAction action)
CEGUI::Logger::getSingleton().logEvent("Attempting to create Operatorset '" + name +
"' using image file '" + filename + "'.");
// create new object ahead of time
Operatorset* object = new Operatorset(name, filename, resourceGroup);
// return appropriate object instance (deleting any not required)
return doExistingObjectAction(name, object, action);;
void OperatorsetManager::notifyDisplaySizeChanged(const CEGUI::Size& size)
// notify all attached Operatorset objects of the change in resolution
ObjectRegistry::iterator pos = d_objects.begin(), end = d_objects.end();
for (; pos != end; ++pos)
OperatorsetManager::OperatorsetIterator OperatorsetManager::getIterator(void) const
return OperatorsetIterator(d_objects.begin(), d_objects.end());
void OperatorsetManager::writeOperatorsetToStream(const CEGUI::String& operatorset,
CEGUI::OutStream& out_stream) const
// Create an CEGUI::XMLSerializer which make use of 4 space and UTF-8 encoding
CEGUI::XMLSerializer xml(out_stream);
} // End of ProcGen namespace section
1> PGOperatorset_xmlHandler.cpp
1>c:\users\myuser\my documents\visual studio 2010\projects\procgen\src\PGOperatorset.hpp(36): error C2065: Operator: undefined identifier