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Decorated frames or titlebar-less FrameWindows?

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 03:44
by Garthy
Is there a simple way to create a window with a decorated frame that can contain other Windows? Sort of like a TaharezLook/FrameWindow without a titlebar.

I've tried a FrameWindow and disabling the titlebar with the "TitlebarEnabled" property, but it literally cuts the top of the window off and it looks terrible.

The intended use is for progress dialogs, "please wait"-style messages, popup messages that remain for a fixed time, etc.

I've been kludging a solution by setting a FrameWindow to have a 4-pixel high font, which shrinks the titlebar down somewhat. It's a definite kludge and I'm open to any suggestions for improvements. :)

Re: Decorated frames or titlebar-less FrameWindows?

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 17:44
by Kulik
Does it need to be draggable?

If not you can use DefaultWindow and skin it with falagard.

Re: Decorated frames or titlebar-less FrameWindows?

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 03:40
by Garthy
Kulik wrote:Does it need to be draggable?

If not you can use DefaultWindow and skin it with falagard.

Luckily, it doesn't need to be draggable. I imagine it would get a bit more complicated if it did. :}

Thankyou for the suggestion and starting point. :) As I'm still quite new to CEGUI, knowing the best angle to tackle this problem from is still the biggest issue for me. I now know that I need to dig into skinning a bit more to solve this one. Thanks again. :)