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How to know if any CEGUI window(s) is focused or clicked

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 02:32
by marty188586

I am new to CEGUI.
I'm grograming a game, therefore I need a GUI system. I choose CEGUI (SDL input).
The question I met now is that inorder to input non-English langusges, I need IM(input method) support. However IM support is only needed when a CEGUI window is focused. How could I kow if any window is focused or not? or How do I know have I clicked on any window when my mouse clicked?

Thanks for any help.

Updated : Fix some terrable grammer erro.

Re: How to know if any CEGUI window(s) is focused or clicked

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 03:13
by AloneDeveloper
You must notify your CEGUI::System object about mouse move, mouse up etc. and handle this events. See manuals and tutorials, there writed in detail.
P.S. I have bad english, i hope you understend :)