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How to modify the text size in staticText

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 11:27
by silentyears
eh, as subject, when i just want to modify only one window (looknfeel: staticText) text, i first think of finding the property to do it ,but i can only find property "TextColours" to modify the text colour, is there property to modify the text size?
I find this code

Code: Select all

CEGUI::Font* f = wnd->getFont(); f->setProperty("PointSize", "6");
in samples, so i copy to try, but i find not only one window but also all windows text size become to the new size 6. why?
By the way, why i search "PointSize" in .doc and nothing happen, whether the doc don't include all property? so how to find property which i may need? Here, if i don't find the code in samples, then i don't know "PointSize" at all.


Re: How to modify the text size in staticText

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 11:05
by Kulik
fonts have fixed size assigned to them that can't be changed. If you want to use multiple sizes of one font you have to define it as different fonts. We even do this in our samples, please refer to them for further info.

Re: How to modify the text size in staticText

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 16:31
by silentyears
Kulik wrote:Hi,
fonts have fixed size assigned to them that can't be changed. If you want to use multiple sizes of one font you have to define it as different fonts. We even do this in our samples, please refer to them for further info.

Thanks !!!