I think the best way to do this is to modify the LNF to contain a ColourRectProperty or ColourProperty after defining one or multiple connected images (or a white 1pixel dummy texture image).
You can address it using a variable, e.g.:
Code: Select all
<ColourRectProperty name="BackgroundColours" />
and on top of your file you can use a PropertyDefinition, which also allows you to address this via setProperty in runtime:
Code: Select all
<PropertyDefinition name="BackgroundColours" initialValue="tl:FFFFFFFF tr:FFFFFFFF bl:FFFFFFFF br:FFFFFFFF" redrawOnWrite="true" />
The way CEGUI renders its widgets always uses texture+colour. Unfortunately we do not currently offer a way to just render a rectangular coloured area. Obviously, it would also need to have its dimensions defined in some way.
Either way, if you want to add this feature feel free to try and add this to falagard and create a pull request for us on mercurial so we can review and once it meets our quality standards we will add it.
In any other case use the above workaround.
You can write a section e.g.:
Code: Select all
<ImagerySection name="frame">
<Dim type="LeftEdge" ><AbsoluteDim value="0" /></Dim>
<Dim type="TopEdge" ><AbsoluteDim value="0" /></Dim>
<Dim type="Width" ><UnifiedDim scale="1" type="Width" /></Dim>
<Dim type="Height" ><UnifiedDim scale="1" type="Height" /></Dim>
<Image type="TopLeftCorner" imageset="TaharezLook" image="PopupMenuFrameTopLeft" />
<Image type="TopRightCorner" imageset="TaharezLook" image="PopupMenuFrameTopRight" />
<Image type="BottomLeftCorner" imageset="TaharezLook" image="PopupMenuFrameBottomLeft" />
<Image type="BottomRightCorner" imageset="TaharezLook" image="PopupMenuFrameBottomRight" />
<Image type="LeftEdge" imageset="TaharezLook" image="PopupMenuFrameLeft" />
<Image type="RightEdge" imageset="TaharezLook" image="PopupMenuFrameRight" />
<Image type="TopEdge" imageset="TaharezLook" image="PopupMenuFrameTop" />
<Image type="BottomEdge" imageset="TaharezLook" image="PopupMenuFrameBottom" />
<Image type="Background" imageset="TaharezLook" image="PopupMenuMiddle" />
and then inside a layer you can reference the section and use your ColourProperty or ColourRectProperty:
Code: Select all
<Section section="frame">
<ColourRectProperty name="BackgroundColours" />