Snapshot10 release

Forum for support and development discussion regarding the python based unified editor tool for CEGUI, known as CEED.

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Snapshot10 release

Postby Kulik » Sat Jul 28, 2012 21:06

New snapshot has been released. Archives provide testing sample data with CEGUI 0.7 and CEGUI 1.0 datafiles.

There have been 8 issues fixed from the last snapshot9. There are no drastic changes this release, it is all bugfixes and polish. This is the release that I will be defending my thesis with. Development will not stop though of course! CEED will see a stable release with CEGUI 1.0 release and will be developed continuously.

Grab the source tarball, Windows standalone binaries or MacOS X app bundle at ... napshot10/

Incomplete list of changes:
- 0000885: [Imageset editing] It is possible to input negative size of image definition via code editing (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000884: [General] Min window size, add minimum screen estate to requirements in the user manual (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000880: [Imageset editing] Imageset global property widgets shrink vertically when there is not enough vertical screen space (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000863: [Documentation] Less pathetic documentation build setup (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000862: [General] DragDropContainer should be "DragContainer" (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000873: [Animation editing] Opening an animation without having a project opened raises exception (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000872: [General] Exceptions when opening files with unicode paths (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000859: [Animation editing] Saving to file is broken (Kulik) - resolved.

Plans for snapshot11 will end up at ... sion_id=38

Enjoy and please report any problems!

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Re: Snapshot10 release

Postby jarwulf » Fri Aug 03, 2012 00:15

currently on a nongaming project but great work and good luck on your defense...

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Re: Snapshot10 release

Postby MorbidAngel » Sat Aug 04, 2012 16:43

Great progress, it's coming along nicely :)

I have an issue saving layouts though. It throws an exception whenever i try to save a layout that contains AutoWindow, and for some reason it inserts AutoWindow sections in the code section for all my layouts (TitlebarFont and such)
Even the default samples that comes with CEED does this, if you open "samples\datafiles0_7\layouts\TabControlDemo.layout" and try to save it, it will throw the same exception.

Code: Select all

Exception message: 'NamePath'
  File "C:\Users\Martin Preisler\Devel\CEED\ceed\", line 1299, in slot_save
  File "C:\Users\Martin Preisler\Devel\CEED\ceed\editors\", line 451, in save
  File "C:\Users\Martin Preisler\Devel\CEED\ceed\editors\layout\", line 136, in saveAs
  File "C:\Users\Martin Preisler\Devel\CEED\ceed\editors\", line 588, in saveAs
  File "C:\Users\Martin Preisler\Devel\CEED\ceed\editors\", line 401, in saveAs
  File "C:\Users\Martin Preisler\Devel\CEED\ceed\compatibility\", line 172, in transform
  File "C:\Users\Martin Preisler\Devel\CEED\ceed\compatibility\layout\", line 451, in transform
  File "C:\Users\Martin Preisler\Devel\CEED\ceed\compatibility\layout\", line 418, in applyChangesRecursively
  File "C:\Users\Martin Preisler\Devel\CEED\ceed\compatibility\layout\", line 421, in applyChangesRecursively
  File "C:\Users\Martin Preisler\Devel\CEED\ceed\compatibility\layout\", line 306, in convertAutoWindowSuffixraceback:
  File "C:\Users\Martin Preisler\Devel\CEED\ceed\", line 1299, in slot_save
  File "C:\Users\Martin Preisler\Devel\CEED\ceed\editors\", line 451, in save
  File "C:\Users\Martin Preisler\Devel\CEED\ceed\editors\layout\", line 136, in saveAs
  File "C:\Users\Martin Preisler\Devel\CEED\ceed\editors\", line 588, in saveAs
  File "C:\Users\Martin Preisler\Devel\CEED\ceed\editors\", line 401, in saveAs
  File "C:\Users\Martin Preisler\Devel\CEED\ceed\compatibility\", line 172, in transform
  File "C:\Users\Martin Preisler\Devel\CEED\ceed\compatibility\layout\", line 451, in transform
  File "C:\Users\Martin Preisler\Devel\CEED\ceed\compatibility\layout\", line 418, in applyChangesRecursively
  File "C:\Users\Martin Preisler\Devel\CEED\ceed\compatibility\layout\", line 421, in applyChangesRecursively
  File "C:\Users\Martin Preisler\Devel\CEED\ceed\compatibility\layout\", line 306, in convertAutoWindowSuffix

Snippet of a layout in the Code section (Note: The AutoWindows are not part of the layout, CEED inserted those):

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<GUILayout version="4" >
    <Window type="RuinsUI/FrameWindowMinimal" name="ChatWindow" >
        <Property name="Area" value="{{0,0},{0,0},{0,600},{0,300}}" />
        <Property name="Alpha" value="0.5" />
        <Property name="MaxSize" value="{{1,0},{1,0}}" />
        <Property name="MinSize" value="{{0.2,0},{0.2,0}}" />
        <Property name="TitlebarFont" value="Qlassik-14" />
        <Property name="CloseButtonEnabled" value="False" />
        <AutoWindow namePath="__auto_titlebar__" >
            <Property name="Font" value="Qlassik-14" />
        <Window type="RuinsUI/TabControl" name="TabControl" >
            <Property name="Area" value="{{0,12},{0,0},{1,-15},{1,-40}}" />
            <Property name="MaxSize" value="{{1,0},{1,0}}" />
            <Property name="TabHeight" value="{0,25}" />
            <Property name="InheritsAlpha" value="False" />
            <AutoWindow namePath="__auto_TabPane__" >
                <Property name="EnableBottom" value="1" />
            <AutoWindow namePath="__auto_TabPane__Buttons" >
                <Property name="EnableTop" value="0" />
            <AutoWindow namePath="__auto_TabPane__ScrollLeft" >
                <Property name="Visible" value="False" />
            <AutoWindow namePath="__auto_TabPane__ScrollRight" >
                <Property name="Visible" value="False" />

And the TabControl Sample:

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<GUILayout version="4" >
    <Window type="TaharezLook/FrameWindow" name="Frame" >
        <Property name="Area" value="{{0.1,0},{0.1,0},{0.9,0},{0.9,0}}" />
        <Property name="Text" value="Tab Control Demo" />
        <Property name="MaxSize" value="{{1,0},{1,0}}" />
        <Property name="MinSize" value="{{0,128},{0,128}}" />
        <Property name="TooltipText" value="This is a demonstration of TabControl abilities." />
        <Property name="TitlebarFont" value="DejaVuSans-10" />
        <AutoWindow namePath="__auto_titlebar__" >
            <Property name="Font" value="DejaVuSans-10" />
            <Property name="TooltipText" value="This is a demonstration of TabControl abilities." />
        <AutoWindow namePath="__auto_closebutton__" >
            <Property name="TooltipText" value="This is a demonstration of TabControl abilities." />
        <Window type="TaharezLook/TabControl" name="TabControl" >
            <Property name="Area" value="{{0,10},{0,10},{1,-10},{1,-10}}" />
            <Property name="MaxSize" value="{{1,0},{1,0}}" />
            <Property name="TabHeight" value="{0,-1}" />
            <Property name="TooltipText" value="This is the tab control" />
            <Property name="TabPanePosition" value="Bottom" />
            <AutoWindow namePath="__auto_TabPane__" >
                <Property name="EnableTop" value="1" />
                <Property name="TooltipText" value="This is the tab control" />
            <AutoWindow namePath="__auto_TabPane__Buttons" >
                <Property name="TooltipText" value="This is the tab control" />
                <Property name="EnableBottom" value="0" />
            <AutoWindow namePath="__auto_TabPane__ScrollLeft" >
                <Property name="Visible" value="False" />
                <Property name="TooltipText" value="This is the tab control" />
            <AutoWindow namePath="__auto_TabPane__ScrollRight" >
                <Property name="Visible" value="False" />
                <Property name="TooltipText" value="This is the tab control" />

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Re: Snapshot10 release

Postby Kulik » Sat Aug 04, 2012 19:09

thanks for the feedback! I can reproduce the issue with TabControl only, it works for the other 0.7 layouts. Keep in mind that CEED does NOT support TabControl at the moment, support for it has to be added. That said, I will fix this particular issue for the next release.

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Re: Snapshot10 release

Postby MorbidAngel » Sat Aug 04, 2012 20:23

Kulik wrote:MorbidAngel,
thanks for the feedback! I can reproduce the issue with TabControl only, it works for the other 0.7 layouts. Keep in mind that CEED does NOT support TabControl at the moment, support for it has to be added. That said, I will fix this particular issue for the next release.

Good to hear you're working on the TabControl issue :)

I tracked my issue down to setting TitlebarFont in layout.
This is reproduce-able in the sample samples\datafiles0_7\layouts\Console.wnd (might wanna rename to .layout and include it in the project?) as well, trying to save it will throw the same exception and this sample sets TitlebarFont in layout as well.

Can't even set it globally in Look'n'Feel via initialValue"fontName" it will insert the AutoWindow and fail to save.

Doing this in FrameWindow:

Code: Select all

<Property Name="TitlebarFont" Value="Qlassik-14" />

And it inserts:

Code: Select all

        <AutoWindow namePath="__auto_titlebar__" >
            <Property name="Font" value="Qlassik-14" />

And throws exception when trying to save.

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Re: Snapshot10 release

Postby MorbidAngel » Wed Aug 08, 2012 20:30

Found another minor 0.7 compatibility issue, when saving "HorizontalAlignment" setting to "WordWrapCentreAligned" in 0.7 it should be "WordWrapCentred"

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Re: Snapshot10 release

Postby Kulik » Fri Aug 10, 2012 11:25

MorbidAngel: thanks, I will take a look at this.

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Re: Snapshot10 release

Postby jadam » Tue Sep 11, 2012 11:09


I'm experimenting with this new editor and getting this exception after I add a radio button to a group box and attempt to save the layout:

Code: Select all

Exception message: 'NamePath'

  File "C:\Users\Martin Preisler\Devel\CEED\ceed\", line 1299, in slot_save

  File "C:\Users\Martin Preisler\Devel\CEED\ceed\editors\", line 451, in save

  File "C:\Users\Martin Preisler\Devel\CEED\ceed\editors\layout\", line 136, in saveAs

  File "C:\Users\Martin Preisler\Devel\CEED\ceed\editors\", line 588, in saveAs

  File "C:\Users\Martin Preisler\Devel\CEED\ceed\editors\", line 401, in saveAs

  File "C:\Users\Martin Preisler\Devel\CEED\ceed\compatibility\", line 172, in transform

  File "C:\Users\Martin Preisler\Devel\CEED\ceed\compatibility\layout\", line 451, in transform

  File "C:\Users\Martin Preisler\Devel\CEED\ceed\compatibility\layout\", line 418, in applyChangesRecursively

  File "C:\Users\Martin Preisler\Devel\CEED\ceed\compatibility\layout\", line 421, in applyChangesRecursively

  File "C:\Users\Martin Preisler\Devel\CEED\ceed\compatibility\layout\", line 306, in convertAutoWindowSuffix

CEED revision: unknown
CEED version: snapshot10
HW architecture: ('32bit', 'WindowsPE')
HW type: AMD64
HW processor: AMD64 Family 16 Model 4 Stepping 3, AuthenticAMD
OS type: Windows
OS release: 7
OS version: 6.1.7601
OS Windows: ('7', '6.1.7601', 'SP1', u'Multiprocessor Free')
SW Python: 2.7.3 (default, Apr 10 2012, 23:31:26) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]
SW PySide: 1.1.0
SW Qt: 4.7.4
SW OpenGL: 3.0.2a1
SW PyCEGUI: 0.8.9090

Just a guess, but I think it can be something to do with the fact that it adds automatically an _auto_conentpane_ between the groupbox and the radio button. Since if I add a radio button directly to the root window there is no problem.

Can I do something to get around this problem at the moment?


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Re: Snapshot10 release

Postby Kulik » Tue Sep 11, 2012 11:23

Hi jadam,
thanks for the report. I think this is the same issue as and has already been fixed. It will be part of the snapshot11 release.

Keep 'em coming :-)

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Re: Snapshot10 release

Postby jadam » Tue Sep 11, 2012 11:53

Hi Kulik,

thanks for the fast reply.

Is there any way I can with the current release circumvent this problem? Or should I just give up on groupboxes until snapshot11 is released?


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Re: Snapshot10 release

Postby Kulik » Tue Sep 11, 2012 13:25

Sadly it's not just group boxes, it's any widget that has auto windows inside. Including scrollable pane, tab control, etc...

I am not sure how to circumvent it. If you target CEGUI 1.0 the problem will obviously go away but that's likely not what you want. I would like to (no promises, as always) release snap11 this weekend.

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Re: Snapshot10 release

Postby MorbidAngel » Tue Sep 11, 2012 16:41

Kulik wrote:I would like to (no promises, as always) release snap11 this weekend.

That would be awesome. No pressure :)

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Re: Snapshot10 release

Postby jadam » Tue Sep 11, 2012 18:28

Kulik wrote:Sadly it's not just group boxes, it's any widget that has auto windows inside. Including scrollable pane, tab control, etc...

I am not sure how to circumvent it. If you target CEGUI 1.0 the problem will obviously go away but that's likely not what you want. I would like to (no promises, as always) release snap11 this weekend.


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Re: Snapshot10 release

Postby Icewave » Thu Sep 27, 2012 06:10

Kulik wrote:Sadly it's not just group boxes, it's any widget that has auto windows inside. Including scrollable pane, tab control, etc...

I am not sure how to circumvent it. If you target CEGUI 1.0 the problem will obviously go away but that's likely not what you want. I would like to (no promises, as always) release snap11 this weekend.

This error was really getting in my way but i managed to find a rather hacky workaround :D - I couldn't quite get CEED to run from the repo (i don't have much experience with python and ran into major issues with qt, being down is a major pain) - however did manage to get far enough to get a compiled pyc file that contained the fix.

I opened up the library file of snapshot10 and put the cegui.pyc file into /ceed/compatibility/layout/ - had no problems after that.

All this was on windows python 2.7.3 32bit btw - i can upload a copy of the pyc file if needed; and if this fix is "safe"?

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Re: Snapshot10 release

Postby Kulik » Tue Oct 02, 2012 17:22

Icewave's workaround might or might not work. If it works it might be valuable to upload your entire for people to try.

Please do not submit bug reports with that release and please do consider it unsupported by me. Kudos for the effort though :)

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