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TabControl not really implemented?

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 13:40
Hello again :)

I am just trying to design a widget which is supposed to use a TabControl.
In CEED, I can add a TabControl based widget.

But as soon as I am adding something (let's say a DefaultWindow with a Vanilla/Button in it) to that TabControl in CEED, it does not display (though it does seem to try to add a panel button). When I then try to click on the added DefaultWindow, I get an error message:
"can't find widget manipulator of path 'DefaultWindow'"

If that layout is stored and reloaded, I get:
"layout loading has been aborted since auto window '__auto_btnDefaultWindow' could not be referenced."

So, am I doing something wrong here or can TabControls not be filled via CEED?

Re: TabControl not really implemented?

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 13:53
by Kulik
Yup, TabControl is not supported yet. I recently implemented LayoutContainers, that works if you use CEED from the repository. TabControls are a bit special and manipulators need to be changed to support them.

Unfortunately I am too busy to tackle it right now. I may have time to help somebody who'd like to fix this.

Re: TabControl not really implemented?

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 14:03
Yes, I am already using LayoutContainers (in CEED), thanks :)

Well, at least I know now that I'll have to use a workaround to design single tabs in CEGUI - design them as single layouts, then add at runtime.
Small inconvenience, but it could be worse.