Converting to 0.5.0... where's StaticText?

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Converting to 0.5.0... where's StaticText?

Postby electromaggot » Sun Feb 04, 2007 09:33

Hi GUIgurus,

I decided to update my project from 0.4.1 to 0.5.0; unfortunately it has been a bit of a headache. :(

I've been searching... saw CE's document on what's new in 0.5.0 and lindqvist's post with his huge changelog, but I still have questions.

For instance, what's the replacement for StaticText? Do I just use Window? ...or if it's been moved to Falagard should I use TextComponent or something instead?

Is there a document, some kind of "migration guide" perhaps, that might tell me: if you used <0.4.0 widget>, it is now replaced with <0.5.0 widget>?

I like the Marti skin, which I've now converted over... as well as CommonFileDialog... but alas, I seem to still be having some problems.

Please enlighten me! THANKS! ...and oh yeah, CEGUI rocks! I've used lots of GUI toolkits and this one is the most flexible/powerful. Please keep up the good work! Thanks again,

- TJ

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Postby mba » Mon Feb 05, 2007 10:14

Hi electromaggot

I myself are in the process of upgrading from 0.4.1 to 0.5.0, so maybe we can share some of our troubles :-).
The static text has been removed and is now "replaced" with the default window type. It's in the changelog you found, ... otes_0.5.X in paragraph

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Postby electromaggot » Thu Feb 08, 2007 05:25

Hi there Martin,

Thanks for the response, and for refering me to the link. Actually I had seen that document early on, but maybe it didn't mean as much to me... maybe seemed too high level at the time? Idunno.

Then when I slogged through the conversion process (mine's a big GUI) and painstakingly addressed all the errors (fix app/fix skin, recompile & run, crash, pull up CEGUI.log again, decipher error, rinse, repeat)... well after basically finishing everything... now I look back at that release notes/porting notes document and it makes a heckuva lot more sense! Although maybe there really is no substitute for *just doing it.*

You're right... changing any of my code that referenced StaticText to just Window worked perfectly. I'm still having glitches in my tabs and a button crashes, but I'll get to those. I have the Marti skin converted (almost completely, I believe) if anyone wants it.

Also, I've been working on a skin that somewhat knocks off Vista's Aero interface. I'm calling it VITSA. Anyone know if there will be troubles with me "releasing" it due to any copyright issues? I'm not using any MS art, it's all my own, it's just in the "spirit" of Aero.

Finally (and maybe I should post this elsewhere, but while I'm here), on the Skins page if I try to download something it fails. I wanted to try the 0.5.0 skin "Sleekspace" now that my graphics app is ported.

Thanks y'all... and Martin you too. If you need any help, *maybe* I can help. I bet you know what you're doing better than me, though! Take care,

- TJ

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Postby Rackle » Thu Feb 08, 2007 13:14

Have a look at Widget Galore. I meant it as a rapid overview of the entire set of widgets/windows/thingies. It shows to to set and get values from these widgets. That should be sufficient to get you started with Cegui.

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Postby mba » Thu Feb 08, 2007 21:55

Same procedure as you electromaggot, first got it to compile then sat down with the log open, searched for exceptions, fixed the layouts / or code places that caused the exceptions, compiled and ran the application again, rinse, repeat...

but quite refreshing when done - had this on my todolist for some time now, just been pushing it, and pushing it...

btw, thanks for the WidgetGalore wiki page, Rackle! it has been an invaluable resource, I have been using it alot during development.

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Postby electromaggot » Fri Feb 09, 2007 02:10

Damn, Rackle that's cool! I wish I had seen it earlier. Thanks also for the link. That'll really help me with the skin I'm working on... it's much more straight-foward than also having to deal with all the overhead of a whole app.

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