Error in OgreGUIRenderer compilation

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Error in OgreGUIRenderer compilation

Postby Elrick » Wed Dec 29, 2004 17:16

I have compiled the CVS HEAD of Ogre, no problem.
With the CVS HEAD of cegui-mk2, no problem to compile CeGUIBase

But when I want to compile the OgreGUIRenderer , I have many errors (sorry it's in french but, there are the same errors in english ;-) )

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------ Début de la génération : Projet : OgreGUIRenderer, Configuration : Release Win32 ------


cegui_mk2\src\renderers\OgreGUIRenderer\ogretexture.cpp(78) : error C2440: 'cast de type' : impossible de convertir de 'Ogre::ResourcePtr' en 'Ogre::Texture *'
        Aucun opérateur de conversion définie par l'utilisateur disponible qui puisse effectuer cette conversion, ou l'opérateur ne peut pas être appelé

cegui_mk2\src\renderers\OgreGUIRenderer\ogretexture.cpp(89) : error C2664: 'Ogre::TextureManager::load' : impossible de convertir le paramètre 2 de 'Ogre::TextureType' en 'const Ogre::String &'
        Raison : impossible de convertir de 'Ogre::TextureType' en 'const Ogre::String'
        Aucun constructeur n'a pu prendre le type de source, ou la résolution de la surcharge du constructeur était ambiguë

cegui_mk2\src\renderers\OgreGUIRenderer\ogretexture.cpp(127) : error C2146: erreur de syntaxe : absence de ';' avant l'identificateur 'odc'

cegui_mk2\src\renderers\OgreGUIRenderer\ogretexture.cpp(127) : error C2734: 'DataChunk' : un objet const doit être initialisé s'il n'est pas extern

cegui_mk2\src\renderers\OgreGUIRenderer\ogretexture.cpp(127) : error C3861: 'odc': identificateur introuvable, même avec une recherche qui dépend de l'argument

cegui_mk2\src\renderers\OgreGUIRenderer\ogretexture.cpp(130) : error C3861: 'odc': identificateur introuvable, même avec une recherche qui dépend de l'argument

cegui_mk2\src\renderers\OgreGUIRenderer\ogretexture.cpp(159) : error C2664: 'Ogre::TextureManager::createManual' : impossible de convertir le paramètre 2 de 'Ogre::TextureType' en 'const Ogre::String &'
        Raison : impossible de convertir de 'Ogre::TextureType' en 'const Ogre::String'
        Aucun constructeur n'a pu prendre le type de source, ou la résolution de la surcharge du constructeur était ambiguë

cegui_mk2\src\renderers\OgreGUIRenderer\ogretexture.cpp(185) : error C2039: 'destroy' : n'est pas membre de 'Ogre::Texture'
ogrenew\OgreMain\include\OgreTexture.h(69) : voir la déclaration de 'Ogre::Texture'

Does anyone know where is the problem ?

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Error in OgreGUIRenderer compilation

Postby CrazyEddie » Wed Dec 29, 2004 17:56

I should imagine this has to do with the large changes happening in Ogre at the moment. Currently, you need to use the Hastur releases (or earlier) to use Ogre with CEGUI.

The Ogre CEGUI gui renderer (more correctly, the OgreResourceProvider) will need to be updated once the changes to Ogre are finished and Ogre becomes stable again for the 1.0 release.

Before this happens, I'd like to make another release of CEGUI, so that people who do not want to use Ogre 1.0 have an up to date version of CEGUI to use (in cases like this it would have been better if I'd kept the Renderer modules seperate from the core CEGUI - this may actually happen in the future).


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Error in OgreGUIRenderer compilation

Postby _mental_ » Wed Dec 29, 2004 17:57

Don't use CVS HEAD at the moment as it is highly unstable and the resource system has gone through some major changes. I plan on modifying CEGUI once these resource changes have settled down some.

If you are going to use CVS for OGRE use the Hastur branch which is the stable one.

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Error in OgreGUIRenderer compilation

Postby Elrick » Wed Dec 29, 2004 17:59

Thank you for quick answers ;-)

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Error in OgreGUIRenderer compilation

Postby _mental_ » Wed Dec 29, 2004 17:59


in cases like this it would have been better if I'd kept the Renderer modules seperate from the core CEGUI - this may actually happen in the future)

This sounds like a fabulous idea. Are you talking about setting up separate CVS modules perhaps?

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Error in OgreGUIRenderer compilation

Postby CrazyEddie » Wed Dec 29, 2004 18:17

Yes, seperate CVS modules would be the way that this will be implemented. This should have major advantages over the way such things are organised at the moment.

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