How to make a border / set image for CEGUI::ListboxItem

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How to make a border / set image for CEGUI::ListboxItem

Postby cziter15pl » Sat Sep 29, 2012 12:26

Hello everyone,

Normally, when using MultiColumnList, we have:

I want to make a border for all list items in my roomlist to make it looks like:

Any idea how to do that ?
I was trying to find something like setNormalBrushImage, but without any results.
I found only setSelectionBrushImage, but it works for Selected item only.


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Re: How to make a border / set image for CEGUI::ListboxItem

Postby super999 » Tue Oct 09, 2012 02:42

my solution : modify the multicolumlist 's Render method draw a image like 1X1 or 2X2 pure colour image { white or specie image }.

collect the item height and width infomation, then draw this picure serval time to make the border.

also you find the other thing the custom window in the columlist is not auto hide or show . if you used custom window maybe you need to modify this in the render method.:)

it works in my game project { ios , cegui }

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