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Instalation on Windows

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 09:42
by pabloa
Hi i am working with .net 7.1 then I downloaded the cegui_mk2_04 the dependeces and the Xerces in the same directory c:/CEGUI I open makefile/win32/VC++7.1/CEGUI.sln and dont compile me. I have to do something else

Re: Instalation on Windows

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 16:17
by martignasse

please, give us more information...

did you even try to compile...and had some errors ?
in this case, show us the compile log.

or maybe it's just because you don't generate the project :shock:

can be lots of things without more info.

Re: Instalation on Windows

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 18:48
by pabloa
I continued with cegui 3.0 but now I need the 0.4 version. I will tryed install it again, but I thing it wold be usefull to have any document about how install cegui!

the order to install xcerces after cegui 0.4; the correct place for both dir, and all the necesary. Thxs

Re: Instalation on Windows

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 23:45
by lindquist
With the new precompiled SDKs it should be very easy.

Just install the package at C:\CEGUI and unzip the dependencies for VC2003 into it as well.

Then add the lib/include paths to your project. remember add the dependencies as well.

Using Ogre? remember to keep the renderer module!


Re: Instalation on Windows

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 13:36
by pabloa
It need d3d9.h file to compile, Where it is? I dont have any file called d3d9.h

Re: Instalation on Windows

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 14:52
by fiammy
the d3d9.h is a file which is part of the Microsoft DirectX9 SDK. If you don't have it, it generally means you didn't install the DirectX 9 SDK, but just the runtime.

The DirectX 9 SDK can be found on the microsoft download site.

Re: Instalation on Windows

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 12:52
by pabloa
I install the Dirext9 SDK and remove all the samples from my /makefile/sin/v7.1 then It compile me perfect. Now I open one project which I used an old version of CEGUI, Changed the ogresdk/include/CEGUI by my CEGUI4.0/include and give me a error cant find the d3d9.h ?

Re: Instalation on Windows

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 12:44
by pabloa
I solved the d3d9.h error the new problem is a lot of not ; error in the CEGUIPropertyHelper.h IF istall it is easy i feel a bit stupid... :( :(