Size of frame close button.
Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 08:35
Hi, I got a problem about the close button of a FrameWindow.
I set the frame size to a certain value, so that it won't change when resizing the window:
It works good, so as the children window of this frame. but the close button in the right top of the frame was not effected by this method.
Then I add this code:
But it sees still no use... when I resize my appliction window, the close button follow to resize. How can we clip the size of a close button by its parent WindowFrame ?
I set the frame size to a certain value, so that it won't change when resizing the window:
Code: Select all
WindowManager::getSingleton().getWindow("MyFrame")->setSize(UVector2(UDim(0, 256), UDim(0, 256)));
It works good, so as the children window of this frame. but the close button in the right top of the frame was not effected by this method.
Then I add this code:
Code: Select all
(static_cast<FrameWindow*>(WindowManager::getSingleton().getWindow("MyFrame")))->getCloseButton())->setSize(UVector2(UDim(0, 10), UDim(0, 10)));
But it sees still no use... when I resize my appliction window, the close button follow to resize. How can we clip the size of a close button by its parent WindowFrame ?