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Forum Usage Guidelines: Ensure you have read this!

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 10:25
by CrazyEddie
  • Before you consider posting, search for similar topics that may already contain a solution. Image
  • Choose an appropriate forum for your post by reading the forum descriptions – when in doubt, post in the Beginners Help forum.
  • Use meaningful thread subjects. For example: "[Crash] D3D9Renderer throws exception after initialisation".
  • Always post your CEGUI log (by default 'CEGUI.log' in the working directory). Even if you check the log and there are no obvious errors, posting the log can still be of use.
  • Post your system information, all error messages, compiler errors, code and as much other information as possible.
  • Do not just say "It's crashed, what's wrong?" Post debugging information including error / exception messages and the callstack / backtrace with debugging symbols.
  • When posting code, logs and other pasted text, please use code tags to make it easier to read and conserve vertical space.
  • Please do not post the same thing in multiple forums.
  • Please do not 'bump' your post if it's still on the first page.
  • Once your question is answered edit the initial post and add [solved] (or similar) to the start of the subject line.
Whilst we will try our very best to help you where we can, there will be times when we either do not have time to help, or we just do not know the answers (for whatever reason) – in such cases the best and fastest approach will be to get your hands dirty and debug the thing yourself.

Thanks for reading!