I've tried to create my own ResourceProvider for CEGUI to integrate into my own Resource System.
Some of the functions may appear to look like OGRE, but it far from is...
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void CEGUIResourceProvider::loadRawDataContainer(const CEGUI::String& filename, CEGUI::RawDataContainer& output, const CEGUI::String& resourceGroup)
DataStream* stream = m_Resources->openResource(filename.c_str(), resourceGroup.c_str());
if(stream == NULL)
m_Root->log()->writeLog("Error! Could not load " + String(filename.c_str()) + " from group " + String(resourceGroup.c_str()) + "!");
m_Root->log()->debugLog("CEGUIResourceProvider::loadRawDataContainer: Opened file " + String(filename.c_str()) + " successfully!");
CEGUI::uint8* buf = new CEGUI::uint8;
stream->read(buf, stream->getSize());
m_Root->log()->debugLog("CEGUIResourceProvider::loadRawDataContainer: Provided " + String(filename.c_str()) + " with size " + StringConverter::toString(int(stream->getSize())) + " successfully!");
void CEGUIResourceProvider::unloadRawDataContainer(CEGUI::RawDataContainer& c)
size_t CEGUIResourceProvider::getResourceGroupFileNames(std::vector<CEGUI::String>& out_vec, const CEGUI::String& file_pattern, const CEGUI::String& resource_group)
ResourceGroup* group = m_Resources->getGroup(String(resource_group.c_str()));
if(group == NULL)
m_Root->log()->writeLog("CEGUIResourceProvider::getResourceGroupFileNames: No such group (" + String(resource_group.c_str()) + ")!");
return 0;
const Stringvector v = group->getResourceFileNames();
for(Stringvector::const_iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it)
m_Root->log()->debugLog("CEGUIResourceProvider::getResourceGroupFilenames: Read " + StringConverter::toString(int(out_vec.size())) + " of " + StringConverter::toString(int(v.size())) + " files from resource group " + resource_group.c_str());
return v.size();
Really strange things happen in run-time... And worst of all - each time I start it up, a new issue appears.
Just one of them, a segmentation fault (also had Sigabort)
CEGUITinyXMLParser.cpp:69 - Segmentation fault here... Debugger resolves size to 1957 which is matching the file being loaded.
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char* buf = new char[size + 2];
Any clues ? :/
My Log doesn't tell anything, but heres the 'essential part' anyway:
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16/04/2010 19:03:10 (Std) ---- Version 0.7.1 (Build: Apr 16 2010 GNU/Linux g++ 4.4.1 64 bit) ----
16/04/2010 19:03:10 (Std) ---- Renderer module is: CEGUI::OgreRenderer - Official OGRE based 2nd generation renderer module. ----
16/04/2010 19:03:10 (Std) ---- XML Parser module is: CEGUI::TinyXMLParser - Official tinyXML based parser module for CEGUI ----
16/04/2010 19:03:10 (Std) ---- Image Codec module is: TGAImageCodec - Official TGA image codec ----
16/04/2010 19:03:10 (Std) ---- Scripting module is: None ----