Chat box
Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 04:50
If the confirmation emails are not being sent, it must be a sourceforge oddity. If you email your details I should be able to manually set up your account.
There has been a bit of discussion about chat box style widgets. You could use a MultiLineEditbox in Read-only mode. Possibly your best bet is to use the Listbox for displaying the chat history and an edit box (obviously) for text entry. The basic Listbox text item provided does not word-wrap but it's a trivial thing to write a sub-class that does this.
Static text is due to get multi-line support shortly.
All widgets should work with default construction. Anything else is a bug
If the confirmation emails are not being sent, it must be a sourceforge oddity. If you email your details I should be able to manually set up your account.
There has been a bit of discussion about chat box style widgets. You could use a MultiLineEditbox in Read-only mode. Possibly your best bet is to use the Listbox for displaying the chat history and an edit box (obviously) for text entry. The basic Listbox text item provided does not word-wrap but it's a trivial thing to write a sub-class that does this.
Static text is due to get multi-line support shortly.
All widgets should work with default construction. Anything else is a bug