I just tried to download the source, and ran into a typo in the wiki. Seeing as I can´t edit that yet, I figured I´d post it here...
page: http://www.cegui.org.uk/wiki/index.php/ ... subversion
Cegui Layout Editor url is <stuff>branch/v0-6-1, not <stuff/branch/v-0-6-1
And it might be worth changing the two instances of MyEditorFolder to LayoutEditor and ImagesetEditor or something, svn complains if you try to copy&paste those directly (2 things with the same name and different urls make svn unhappy)
Not that any of these are *that* hard to fix, but they´re only worth leaving wrong if you´re using them as an idiot-test or something...
I would edit them myself, but like I said, no wiki editing yet for some reason...
Edit: I was being blind, found the login link and made the changes.
Wiki Error - fixed
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