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[bug] layout editor doesn't save GroupBox children

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 23:55
by wally
It seems the layout editor doesn't save any children of a GroupBox. This is a bit of a problem, as I now have to edit any affected layouts by hand at all times.
I could work around it by keeping the contents logically outside the GroupBox (i.e. not children), but really they should be children IMO.

I saw mention of it in this forum post.
(A little way down, Jul 15)

But couldn't find any entry in the mantis tracker.
CEGUI 0.6.1

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 07:30
by scriptkid
Aha, so the bug seems that you can add children to a groupbox from the editor. That should be fixed, since a groupbox doesn't have children of its own (as mentioned in that other thread too).

I don't think we should change the behaviour from how MFC and other widget tools work...

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 06:25
by wally
Fair enough, if that's how a GroupBox behaves in other widget toolkits then I'll find another way.
Still seems odd to me that the items contained by a groupbox cannot be its children, but I guess I've got the wrong impression of a groupbox.
Thanks for the reply.

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 07:06
by scriptkid

when you create a dialog box in MFC for example, and add a groupbox, you will notice that it's on the same level as each other control. Also, in wxWidgets, when you create a control from code, it has neither a parent/child relation with the controls which appear to be inside it. Don't worry about it, i didn't think of it that way myself either when i started to look into it :)