Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 08:04
Hello, it's my first post here .
I have a problem. How can I save "Image" property of "TaharezLook/StaticImage" type? The CELayoutEditor doesn't want to save it to the ".layout" file . And also, where the image (".png" file) should be located?
I just found information:
But my quesion is: it cannot be done automatically from CELayoutEditor?
I have a problem. How can I save "Image" property of "TaharezLook/StaticImage" type? The CELayoutEditor doesn't want to save it to the ".layout" file . And also, where the image (".png" file) should be located?
I just found information:
Property to get/set the image for the FalagardStaticImage widget. Value should be "set:[imageset name] image:[image name]".
But my quesion is: it cannot be done automatically from CELayoutEditor?