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0.6.2: OpenGLRenderer: glInterleavedArrays

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 23:21
by Jamarr
Hey CE I ran into a peculiar issue today using v0.6.2 and glInterleavedArrays. I'm not sure if this is relevant to v0.7.0 but I thought I would share this anyway.

Basically I was getting an access violation inside nvidia's opengl driver when calling glInterleavedArrays from CEGUI's OpenGL renderer. The odd thing is that I know this has worked in the past and it was working on another machine with the same hw, sw, and drivers. The other odd thing is that it worked if I attached the vc debugger to the app before the error occured. WTF?

Anyway, I looked into this and noticed that glInterleavedArrays has been 'unofficially' deprecated for awhile. So I tried using the gl*Pointer functions instead and this has fixed the problem. This is the patch I used:

Code: Select all

--- a/CEGUI/RendererModules/OpenGLGUIRenderer/openglrenderer.cpp
+++ b/CEGUI/RendererModules/OpenGLGUIRenderer/openglrenderer.cpp
@@ -212,7 +212,16 @@
    d_currTexture = 0;
-   glInterleavedArrays(GL_T2F_C4UB_V3F , 0, myBuff);
+   //glInterleavedArrays(GL_T2F_C4UB_V3F , 0, myBuff);
+   // this fixes an access violation exception on some video cards caused by
+   // glInterleavedArrays; i am assuming because that function is deprecated.
+   glEnableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);
+   glEnableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY);
+   glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
+   glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(MyQuad), &myBuff[0].tex);
+   glColorPointer(4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, sizeof(MyQuad), &myBuff[0].color);
+   glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(MyQuad), &myBuff[0].vertex);
    // iterate over each quad in the list
    for (QuadList::iterator i = d_quadlist.begin(); i != d_quadlist.end(); ++i)

I think it is also worth noting that OpenGL 3.0 has officially deprecated all of these, among many others. Are you planning on addressing that in the OpenGL renderer in 0.7.x?

Re: 0.6.2: OpenGLRenderer: glInterleavedArrays

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 09:15
by CrazyEddie

Odd issue. I would not have thought that the function being deprecated should cause an issue - at least until they finally remove it completely. Obviously there's something going on, the fact you get a different result after attaching the debugger is really odd. Do you get the same with different build configs?

For info, we're currently already using the gl*Pointer functions in the v0-7 code.

To answer the question as regards to GL 3.0, I'm aware of the major shift that comes with that, I've briefly looked at a few bits of information about it, but have not taken any steps to support any 3.0 features at the moment. This is largely because I do not have the appropriate hardware, I've been considering an all new machine for a while, though in the current financial climate I am somewhat reluctant to spend vast sums of money on a new machine :lol: However, this will undoubtedly happen sooner or later - it always does ;)


Re: 0.6.2: OpenGLRenderer: glInterleavedArrays

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 15:18
by Jamarr
Yes, I would not expect deprecated functions to misbehave either. I did get the same result using a debug and release configuration. I can say that I do not know the exact state of opengl since I am 'plugging-in' to third-party software (which has numerous issues of it's own...), though as I said I have 2 machines that are identicle (though obviously not) and it runs on one and not the other.

It's not entierly true that attaching the debugger prevents the fact the only way I was able to catch the error is by attaching at the very last moment. if I start with debugging, or attach the debugger early on in the startup phase, then the error does not occur. Needless to say I've never seen this before lol. But hey it's fixed so I'm not going to bother with it any longer.

I did find out that one of our support personnel was working on that pc over the weekend, but I'm not entierly sure when it started. I just thought I'd let you know about it, since I wasn't sure if you where still using that function in v0.7 or not and the gl*Pointer functions seem to work well. But you are already using them so :pint:

Re: 0.6.2: OpenGLRenderer: glInterleavedArrays

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 19:51
by Jamarr
Just another note. I had forgotten to replace the glInterleavedArrays call in the renderQuadDirect method, so the same access violation popped up again (though at a later point). I removed this call and moved the above fix into initPerFrameStates to handle both locations with the same code, which again fixed the problem.

The only difference between each system I could find was that they are using different monitors. I've never been aware of monitor hardware/drivers causing opengl issues but it seems possible. Also the gfx drivers I'm using are not the latest, but are only 2mo old.

Oh well, I guess I just have to chalk it up as a hardware/driver compatibility issue...

Re: 0.6.2: OpenGLRenderer: glInterleavedArrays

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 18:35
by CrazyEddie
Thanks for the update! Yeah, I hate these kinds of issues, because they don't seem to have any kind of rational explanation. It sounds kind of driver-ish, but on this particular function it's pretty ridiculous (as I understand it, most implementations of glInterleavedArrays internally setup and just call the gl*Pointer funcs anyway, though perhaps not in this particular case!).


Re: 0.6.2: OpenGLRenderer: glInterleavedArrays

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 07:45
by choco
Hi Jamarr,
I ran into exactly the same problem (NVidia card, Visual Studio 2008, crashes in debug mode).
Could you post your replacement for the glInterleavedArrays command? I'm a big dummy in all things OpenGL, so I was not able to quickly figure out a replacement.
Thank you!

Re: 0.6.2: OpenGLRenderer: glInterleavedArrays

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 09:39
by CrazyEddie
/me looks up. Sees patch in first post :)


Re: 0.6.2: OpenGLRenderer: glInterleavedArrays

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 16:16
by Jamarr
That is interesting. I am using ATI video cards. Anyway, if you want to continue using v0.6.2b instead of upgrading to v0.7 then you will need to download the source-code for CEGUI and re-build the CEGUI::OpenGLRenderer. You need to open up CEGUI/RendererModules/OpenGLGUIRenderer/openglrenderer.cpp and anywhere you find

Code: Select all

glInterleavedArrays(GL_T2F_C4UB_V3F , 0, myBuff);

replace it with

Code: Select all

glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(MyQuad), &myBuff[0].tex);
glColorPointer(4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, sizeof(MyQuad), &myBuff[0].color);
glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(MyQuad), &myBuff[0].vertex);

Re: 0.6.2: OpenGLRenderer: glInterleavedArrays

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 06:09
by choco
Oops, didn't see that. Sorry. Anyway, that seems to have fixed it! Awesome! For me, too, the crashes happened very irregularly. It seems to have been timing related, as when I changed something totally unrelated to the graphics code, the crashes happened. Good catch!

Re: 0.6.2: OpenGLRenderer: glInterleavedArrays

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 09:10
by CrazyEddie
Hmmm. This is somehow feeling more and more like a bug in the renderer; I can't really explain why it's suddenly became an issue now though (after about five years). Quite odd :?