CrazyEddie wrote:Hi,
Is this when being compiled with Xcode? Which version of the development tools is in use? Which SDK version is this being built against?
It's being compiled with g++ using a custom make system, but it is using the XCode compile tools.
Building against the latest source from SVN trunk. But this error has occurred since that Mac-specific file was introduced.
The following is some output from the build, which gives an idea of the options being used, etc :
Code: Select all
g++ -arch i386 -w -mmacosx-version-min=10.3 -c -O3 -Iceguiopengl.mod -Ifreetype.mod/include -Iregex.mod/src -Ifreeimage.mod/src -Icegui.mod/cegui/src/implementations/mac -Icegui.mod/cegui/include -Iglew.mod/GL -Icegui.mod/cegui/include/RendererModules/OpenGL -fexceptions -DPCRE_STATIC -DCEGUI_STATIC -DCEGUI_FALAGARD_RENDERER -DCEGUI_WITH_TINYXML -DCEGUI_CODEC_FREEIMAGE -o
cegui.mod/cegui/src/RendererModules/OpenGL/CEGUIOpenGLApplePBTextureTarget.cpp: In constructor ‘CEGUI::OpenGLApplePBTextureTarget::OpenGLApplePBTextureTarget(CEGUI::OpenGLRenderer&)’:
cegui.mod/cegui/src/RendererModules/OpenGL/CEGUIOpenGLApplePBTextureTarget.cpp:67: error: invalid conversion from ‘long int*’ to ‘GLint*’
cegui.mod/cegui/src/RendererModules/OpenGL/CEGUIOpenGLApplePBTextureTarget.cpp:67: error: initializing argument 2 of ‘CGLError CGLGetVirtualScreen(_CGLContextObject*, GLint*)’
Not such a big deal, as I just hack the code and move on, usually