Disabled FrameWindows don't resize correctly

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Disabled FrameWindows don't resize correctly

Postby thowthoww » Sat Nov 06, 2010 17:09

Hello! And thank you Crazy Eddie for this amazing lib that I've been discovering the past couple weeks.

I think I found a bug, even though it could be intentional since it only happens on a disabled widget.
Whenever I resize my window and call

Code: Select all

to notify CEGUI; any child widget from a FrameWindow (with TaharezLook at least) which is disabled will be positioned according to the outer rect area and won't consider auto windows (Titlebar) and I think it is the same issue for the size of the childs.
The problem may not be related to the FrameWindow but to the AutoWindow since I only tested it with FrameWindow.


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Re: Disabled FrameWindows don't resize correctly

Postby Jamarr » Mon Nov 15, 2010 20:41

Hi Throw, thank you for the report. I know it has been a week since you posted. I hope you do not get the wrong impression; CE is the core developer and most knowledgeable on support so the forums tend to come to a crawl when he is busy. As my current environment does not allow me to test this particular issue, I can neither confirm or refute the issue. I would suggest creating a mantis ticket for this issue (it should accept your forum login), as it will not be forgotten about there; where as on the forums, issues can and are sometimes lost.
If somebody helps you by replying to your thread, upvote him/her as a thanks! Make sure to include your CEGUI.log and everything you tried when posting! And remember that we are not magicians!

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