PyCEGUI No to_python (by-value) converter MouseCursor
Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 10:07
There appears to be a problem in the python module returning a MouseCursor:
From a quick look at your bindings it chokes on returning a bp::copy_const_reference (copy ctor ?) but MouseCursor has been declared as nobcopyable in your bindings.
I think, but could be wrong, the solution would be to exclude the const GUIContext::getMouseCursor method in your bindings.
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>>> InitializationError: No to_python (by-value) converter found for C++ type: CEGUI::MouseCursor
From a quick look at your bindings it chokes on returning a bp::copy_const_reference (copy ctor ?) but MouseCursor has been declared as nobcopyable in your bindings.
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{ //::CEGUI::GUIContext::getMouseCursor
typedef ::CEGUI::MouseCursor const & ( ::CEGUI::GUIContext::*getMouseCursor_function_type )( ) const;
, getMouseCursor_function_type( &::CEGUI::GUIContext::getMouseCursor )
, bp::return_value_policy< bp::copy_const_reference >() );
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# CEGUIMouseCursor.h
mouseCursor = CEGUI_ns.class_("MouseCursor")
mouseCursor.noncopyable = True
I think, but could be wrong, the solution would be to exclude the const GUIContext::getMouseCursor method in your bindings.