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CEGUI Scripting Binds for Game Monkey Script (Not done)

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 21:36
by DtD
I am currently writing a ScriptingModule for CEGUI that will use GameMonkey ( ) it is not done yet, but I am curious how many people here might be interested in it, because that will determine if I will bother to bind all the classes or just some of the ones I need.


Re: CEGUI Scripting Binds for Game Monkey Script (Not done)

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 10:26
by scriptkid

I've had a quick glance at the website, but have no idea of its userbase size. Of course a full binding would be of benefit to both parties, but i think you should start with binding your own needs first. But that is just an advice :)

But if course any other input is welcome to help you with your decision.

This brings me to my own 'theory' about binding. If i were to bind some api (for example Cegui) to a scripting language, i would 'bridge' it with a (very) high level interface. Maybe just one class with lots of simple methods, and keep all the nitty gritty bits (pointers to windows and such) away from the user. For example we have a complete Lua binding to Cegui, but it's not suitable for non-coders, which is often the idea of scripting languages. To make a sort of language for game *designers*.