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Tools for v0.4?

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 22:59
by Chosker
hello there,
I'm new using CEGUI and I was wondering if there are any tools that work with CEGUI v0.4
I already got CELayoutEditor v0.4.1 which works with CEGUI v0.4 but it'd be good to know if there are any other tools around. Specially good would be an imageset editor.

and before someone mentions it, I can't move to v0.5 because I'm using Nebula2 as my engine with the nCEGUI package, and I don't intend (and wouldn't know how) to update it. Enough hassle has been to make it work :)

btw since my game project will be using CEGUI now, I probably will be able to submit some screenshots. The site could use some more in the User Projects department, and since I'll be making a GUI from scratch (all user-made images) it might be interesting.

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 09:46
by CrazyEddie
Hi and welcome to the forum.

There are no other tools that we supply that will work with the old 0.4.x code. I'm not sure if the old version of the Imageset editor worked with 0.4.x, and I'm not sure where you can get the code if it did. :-?

I hope you do get some screen shots to show - I agree that we need some more :)


Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 17:48
by Chosker
ok then, I guess since I'm stuck with 0.4 I'll have to manually create my imagesets.

now this is off topic but heh.
I tried creating an ImageButton but both my Cegui.log (after game crashing) and CELayoutEditor 0.4 say it can't create it because no WindowFactory is available for TaharezLook/ImageButton objects.
is this something missing in 0.4 (implemented in 0.5) ?
and I probably should go find it in the docs but I'll ask anyway. are there any other important features from 0.5 (or whatever version the docs all around are based on) that are missing in 0.4? I ask because I keep reading the docs but I don't know if any of that stuff works in 0.4

ok now, screenshot of current work:
New/Load/etc buttons and "alpha build 67" text are cegui items. "elium" main text and background are part of the same image - the cegui window background

now if only I could manage to get the event subscribing to work I wouldn't be facing a useless game menu :)

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 09:40
by CrazyEddie
IIRC the 'ImageButton' is something created within the skin file, so if it is missing from 0.4 you could copy it over from the latest version of the skin. Though don't forgot to update the scheme to register the appropriate mapping. Having said this there would likely be some conflicts relating to changes in properties, but with some effort you could probably get it to work (or look at the WindowsLook version, IIRC it was in there in 0.4).

0.5 was a massive release with a years worth of code changes. There's likely lots of things missing in 0.4. You could look at the release notes / porting guide - this shows how much was changed between the two branches.

Nice screenshot btw - I like the fact that it looks very clean.