now, whats interesting about this is that the worked with our old placeholder imageset, but now that im trying to get all the new art in they dont.
so, my emediant thought was that the button was the same in all positions on the imageset. i checked and they wernt.
my next thought was that the coords were the same
Code: Select all
<Image Name="Video" XPos="1" YPos="931" Width="363" Height="61" />
<Image Name="VideoHov" XPos="1" YPos="993" Width="363" Height="61" />
<Image Name="VideoPre" XPos="1" YPos="1055" Width="363" Height="61" />
<Image Name="Sound" XPos="1" YPos="1117" Width="363" Height="61" />
<Image Name="SoundHov" XPos="1" YPos="1179" Width="363" Height="61" />
<Image Name="SoundPre" XPos="1" YPos="1241" Width="363" Height="61" />
<Image Name="mBack" XPos="365" YPos="937" Width="363" Height="61" />
<Image Name="mBackHov" XPos="365" YPos="999" Width="363" Height="61" />
<Image Name="mBackPre" XPos="365" YPos="1061" Width="363" Height="61" />
<Image Name="Controls" XPos="365" YPos="1123" Width="363" Height="61" />
<Image Name="ControlsHov" XPos="365" YPos="1185" Width="363" Height="61"/>
<Image Name="ControlsPre" XPos="365" YPos="1247" Width="363" Height="61"/>
so they arnt.
it worked before. no idea why its breaking now. the log doesnt come across any errors
actually i take that back
it actually says
Code: Select all
05/08/2008 14:55:15 (InfL1) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'bbSettings.layout' ----
05/08/2008 14:55:15 (Error) Exception: There is no Property named 'UseStandardImagery' available in the set.
05/08/2008 14:55:15 (Error) Exception: There is no Property named 'NormalImage' available in the set.
05/08/2008 14:55:15 (Error) Exception: There is no Property named 'HoverImage' available in the set.
05/08/2008 14:55:15 (Error) Exception: There is no Property named 'PushedImage' available in the set.
05/08/2008 14:55:15 (Error) Exception: There is no Property named 'UseStandardImagery' available in the set.
05/08/2008 14:55:15 (Error) Exception: There is no Property named 'NormalImage' available in the set.
05/08/2008 14:55:15 (Error) Exception: There is no Property named 'HoverImage' available in the set.
05/08/2008 14:55:15 (Error) Exception: There is no Property named 'PushedImage' available in the set.
05/08/2008 14:55:15 (Error) Exception: There is no Property named 'UseStandardImagery' available in the set.
05/08/2008 14:55:15 (Error) Exception: There is no Property named 'NormalImage' available in the set.
05/08/2008 14:55:15 (Error) Exception: There is no Property named 'HoverImage' available in the set.
05/08/2008 14:55:15 (Error) Exception: There is no Property named 'PushedImage' available in the set.
05/08/2008 14:55:15 (Error) Exception: There is no Property named 'UseStandardImagery' available in the set.
05/08/2008 14:55:15 (Error) Exception: There is no Property named 'NormalImage' available in the set.
05/08/2008 14:55:15 (Error) Exception: There is no Property named 'HoverImage' available in the set.
05/08/2008 14:55:15 (Error) Exception: There is no Property named 'PushedImage' available in the set.
the layout looks like this
Code: Select all
<GUILayout >
<Window Type="DefaultWindow" Name="bbMenuSettings" >
<Property Name="InheritsAlpha" Value="False" />
<Property Name="UnifiedMaxSize" Value="{{1,0},{1,0}}" />
<Property Name="UnifiedAreaRect" Value="{{0,0},{0,0},{1,0},{1,0}}" />
<Window Type="bbUI/Backgrounds/Menu" Name="bbMenuSettings/Background" >
<Property Name="FrameEnabled" Value="False" />
<Property Name="UnifiedMaxSize" Value="{{1,0},{1,0}}" />
<Property Name="UnifiedAreaRect" Value="{{0.276562,0},{0.191858,0},{0.708203,0},{0.654325,0}}" />
<Property Name="BackgroundEnabled" Value="False" />
<Window Type="bbUI/Settings/Controls" Name="Settings/Controls" >
<Property Name="UnifiedMaxSize" Value="{{1,0},{1,0}}" />
<Property Name="UnifiedAreaRect" Value="{{0.105035,0},{0.170382,0},{0.903174,0},{0.319272,0}}" />
<Window Type="bbUI/Settings/Video" Name="Settings/Video" >
<Property Name="UnifiedMaxSize" Value="{{1,0},{1,0}}" />
<Property Name="UnifiedAreaRect" Value="{{0.220023,0},{0.329136,0},{0.754215,0},{0.471395,0}}" />
<Window Type="bbUI/Settings/Sound" Name="Settings/Sound" >
<Property Name="UnifiedMaxSize" Value="{{1,0},{1,0}}" />
<Property Name="UnifiedAreaRect" Value="{{0.230687,0},{0.493683,0},{0.770701,0},{0.643539,0}}" />
<Window Type="bbUI/MainMenu/Back" Name="Settings/Back" >
<Property Name="UnifiedMaxSize" Value="{{1,0},{1,0}}" />
<Property Name="UnifiedAreaRect" Value="{{0.293589,0},{0.667563,0},{0.716959,0},{0.812571,0}}" />
one of the buttons that doesnt work.
Code: Select all
<WidgetLook name="bbUI/Settings/Video">
<ImagerySection name="norm">
<Dim type="LeftEdge">
<AbsoluteDim value="0"/>
<Dim type="TopEdge">
<AbsoluteDim value="0"/>
<Dim type="RightEdge">
<UnifiedDim scale="1" type="Width"/>
<Dim type="BottomEdge">
<UnifiedDim scale="1" type="Width"/>
<Image imageset="bbButtons" image="Video"/>
<VertFormat type="TopAligned" />
<HorzFormat type="CentreAligned" />
<ImagerySection name="hov">
<Dim type="LeftEdge">
<AbsoluteDim value="0"/>
<Dim type="TopEdge">
<AbsoluteDim value="0"/>
<Dim type="RightEdge">
<UnifiedDim scale="1" type="Width"/>
<Dim type="BottomEdge">
<UnifiedDim scale="1" type="Width"/>
<Image imageset="bbButtons" image="VideoHov"/>
<VertFormat type="TopAligned" />
<HorzFormat type="CentreAligned" />
<ImagerySection name="pre">
<Dim type="LeftEdge">
<AbsoluteDim value="0"/>
<Dim type="TopEdge">
<AbsoluteDim value="0"/>
<Dim type="RightEdge">
<UnifiedDim scale="1" type="Width"/>
<Dim type="BottomEdge">
<UnifiedDim scale="1" type="Width"/>
<Image imageset="bbButtons" image="VideoPre"/>
<VertFormat type="TopAligned" />
<HorzFormat type="CentreAligned" />
<StateImagery name="Normal">
<Section section="norm" />
<StateImagery name="Hover">
<Section section="norm" />
<Section section="pre" />
any ideas?